Soft Fingers. (51st Chapter)

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Harmony's POV:

His drowsy eyes look up at me, while he forms a weak grin on his face. I crouch down between his open v-shaped legs, caressing his cheek tenderly. “(He hiccups drunkenly) How did you kn-know I’ll b-be her-e?” Even though he is a mess, his voice and his features present a lost child version of him; quite adorable. “Why weren’t you answering my phone calls?” I slowly reach out for the bottle in his hand, collecting it from his grasp.

“(He proceeds hiccupping) Why w-would you w-want to tal-k to me-h? I am a b-bad pe-rson.” I find it hard to laugh, making his drunken chuckle rise with mine. “Mom, dad; I want to introduce you to my b-babe. (His arm brings me closer to him, making me sit beside him) Say hello, H-armony.” I sigh, placing his head on my shoulder to make him a little relaxed. 

I brush his damp hair, earning from him some mumbles of comfort. “Harry, we should go back. Come on, its late and you’re tired.” He lifts his head slowly, shaking it. “(He frowns genuinely, still hiccupping) W-why do y-ou care if I’m t-tired? W-hy do you l-ove me so much?” Considering his drunken situation, I find it easily to admit my feelings.

“First of all, don’t ever say that you are a bad person. And I love you because I know how childish you are deep down, and how you’re full of life and caring your soul is. (He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck) Harry you drive me insane; you’re furious then you're calm. You’re sour then sweet… I don’t know what you’re capable of doing to me; but I love you with all of your dysfunctions and all your tenderness… (I notice his light snore flowing from his lips) Harry?” I smile down at him, looking how peace surrounds him by his sleep.

I lift my phone from my pocket, not wanting to wake him up. I manage to send a message to Liam, telling him I found Harry, and I need help in carrying him back home.“(He speaks in his sleep, making me tilt my head down to look at him) I want ice cream too, mommy…” I can’t contain my laugher, which makes my stomach shake with the humour. Harry groans, pressing his head into the crook of my neck. I calm myself down, reaching down to his hand. I lift it up to my mouth, placing a single kiss on his soft fingers.

“Harmony?” I hear Zayn’s voice calling, while footsteps rush closer. I wave my hand up, not wanting to speak; just so I won’t wake Harry up. “Thank goodness you’re alright. Here, allow me.” Louis exclaims, while him and Niall lift Harry’s body off of me. Zayn stretches his hand, which I gladly take to stand up. 

Liam’s in the car. (He gives me a look while we begin to walk) Are you sure you’re fine?” I nod, smiling like it has been ages since I last did. At least Harry is found now, and what is left to be resolved is his issue with Gemma. I hope that by tomorrow they could both sit down, and have a genuine talk with each other. Even though Gemma is wrong for what she did, she wants to gain Harry’s forgiveness.

I suppose I could help with that, by having a chat with him when he sobers up.
 “(He laughs with his question) Did he sing a new song this time?” Louis asks, making me giggle at the memory when I saw Harry drunk for the first time.“No, but he wanted ice cream.” 

We both laugh harder, while the rest of the guys stare at the two of us in confusion. “Who volunteers to shower sleeping beauty, before placing him in bed?” Liam smirks, while he begins driving. They all whine at the idea, so I answer: “I think I’d need some help carrying him in and out. But I’ll do it.” The four faces narrow at mine, giving me a sneaky look.“What? (I blush) He’s my boyfriend after all.” The all scream awe, and produce kissing voices; making me redden. But it’s the truth; he is my boyfriend, my lover, my heartbreaker, and my curer…

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