Done. (32nd Chapter)

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Harmony's POV:

Everyone is busy amongst each other, while I’m in my own world of pink and red. A few steps echo through my ears, making my smile grow instantly to the owner of the movement. “Let’s get going. (He gives me a sneaky wink) I have important things to do after.” I hide my face, shaking my hair to drop over it; I can't be seen with redness all over my flesh.

I feel El poking my side, and for that I giggle under my breath; not really wanting to show how flushed I am right now. Harry grants me the feeling that I used to have, when I was a little girl. Even though everyone claims that I have innocence; its nothing to the amount that Harry's actions supplie me with.

A moment of silence is passed, and then footsteps begin to march. I swing my hair out of my face, only to be a little startled. All of the boys have reached the front door, except for Harry. He stands in front of me, tilting his head low to give me his mischievous smile. I begin to laugh, and he joins me with the light reaction.

I mouth to him ‘go’, and all he does is lick his lips. I know what he wants to do, because it matches my desire; but he has to leave.
 “El, could I ask you for a favour?” El crosses her arms, glancing between Harry and I. She nods, making Harry proceed with his request:“Keep an eye on her, for me will you?” I want to jump into his arms, embracing him like there is no tomorrow; but it would be a show and tell if so.“Done.” Eleanor replies, giving me a little rub on the top of my shoulder.

… At Night…

“Seriously, would you just tell me what’s going on with you and Harold?” Eleanor whines, pressuring me to talk. “Well, I don’t know how to explain it. Its technically the first time I have this feeling towards so-…” She cuts me off, exclaiming her words: “You never fancied any guy before!? That’s impossible.” I reply with a tiny laugh: “Well, my life is pretty hectic for love stories and rainbows.”

She coax her head closer to me, giving me a questioning smile. “So you two are in love, now?” I shake me head immediately with my reply: “No! Why would you think so?” She laughs at me nervousness, before answering: “You said love stories.” I mentally face palm myself for the terrible spill; clearly not wanting to expose my true feelings. I don’t even know if I love Harry, what is love anyway? I never have been in love, and it does fear me because I never experienced it.

Just when Eleanor opens her mouth to answer, the front door flies open; making us both scream. “Put him there!” We hear muffled voices, so we rush down the stairs to learn the reason. I wish I didn’t step down those stairs; I wish I didn’t follow my human instinct. There, between the four boys’ arms, a body is carried in a hurry to the living room.

I could clearly notice a thick line of blood, dripping from the surface of his head. His breathing is slow, hissing his mumbles of pain on each ticking second.
 “Could someone get the first aid kit for crying out loud!” Eleanor seems to be less stunned than I am, which makes her run in search for the white box.

I walk closer to the sofa, noticing the fear increase over my skin. “Harmony, please sit down. You’re shaking.” Niall turns his attention to me, while he helps me to sit down on the nearby sofa; from where Harry’s weak body lies.

Who could do this much damage to the man of my thoughts? Why would anyone want to hurt him? Could it be his boss, who’s responsible for this dreadful result? Niall drapes his shoulder over mine, while the rest try to aid the wounded angel.

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