Zip It. (45th Chapter)

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…The Day After (Afternoon)…

Harmony's POV:

“Just ask one of them. (She chuckles in whispers) But don’t tell them the reason.” I roll my eyes at Eleanor, feeling a little embarrassed to ask for help. I walk beside her to the living room, where the five men are relaxing in front of the television. “(I speak in a tiny voice) Could someone drive me to the market?” The men turn their faces to look at me, questioning why I wanted to leave for the first time.

“All you had to do is tell me, love. I’ll go put on my sneakers and we’ll go.” Harry says, while he stands up from the couch; but I stop him. “No! Anyone else except for you. (They share looks with each other, while I carry on) It’s important for me to go as soon as possible, please?” Harry crosses his arms, not understanding my denial. How could I drag my own boyfriend to grab my female essentials? Impossible.

“(He groans) Fine, I’ll take you.” Liam announces, making me a little relieved from his volunteering. He stands up to grab his jacket from the hanger, while Harry walks to my side. “Why don’t I get to take you?” I know how much he is willing to do anything for my sake, but I don’t want to be embarrassed in front of him; while purchasing the product.

“(I deviate the truth, while I walk with Liam to the front door.) I just need to get something, alone. I’ll be back soon, I promise.” Harry isn't convinced but he nods, then requests from Liam: “Keep an eye on her all time, mate.” Liam bobs his head in assurance, while we begin walking out to the van.

… At the Local Market…

“Liam, please just stay in the car. I’ll be quick, and the walls are see-through glass; please?” I beg like a little toddler, making Liam hesitate towards his choice. “Fine, I will. But place my number on speed dial, before you step out. Just in case.” I quickly flick through my phone, applying his order before jumping out of the van. I just need to grab the pink box, and I’ll be out of here. I walk down the isle, smiling like a fool while I grab the tampon container.

Once I reach the counter, I remember that I didn’t take cash from Liam to pay. Instantly while waiting on the queue, I dial his number; pressing the device over my ear.
 “Look who we have here. Small world, ay?” I turn my head to the male speaking behind me, feeling the terror slide in slowly.

“What? Don’t I get a hello from you?” Luke smiles cunningly, while his body leans over my back; so close that it feels like poisonous glue. I look towards the door without planning, noticing Liam entering with his head whipping left and right. When he sees me, he jogs towards my side, breaking Luke’s contact with me.

“Payne, are you the one banging her now, instead of Harry?” Luke crosses his arms, coxing his head in amusement. “(He warns) Back off, and zip it or I'll break it.” Liam snatches his wallet out of his pocket, giving it to me without taking his eyes off of Luke. I quickly pay for the purchase, and pat Liam’s shoulder so we could leave.

“I’ll see you soon, gorgeous.” Luke’s voice chants, while Liam’s arm drapes over me in protection; quickening our walk to the van for departure. Once we sit down, I ask in silence:“How did you know I was in trouble?” He laughs nervously: “You dialled my number, but you never answered when I picked up. I overheard that twat, so I rushed inside. (He sighs in concern) Do you want me to tell Harry, or would you like to do the honours?” I shake my head, not wanting to be the one who awakens the monster in Harry, after a long time.

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