Please no? (48th Chapter)

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Harmony's POV:

I rush out of the room, grabbing my large suitcase to pack everything for a permanent departure. I feel someone stepping into the room, and I know better than to predict whom that is. “(His voice appears in a soft tone) What are you doing?” I keep shoving my clothes randomly into the bag, not caring to give him one look.

How could he accuse me of planning a meeting with Luke? Out of all people, Luke? Doesn’t he trust me like I do? He thinks less of me, which makes me feel like being shredded into minimal pieces. I expected Harry to yell, I expected him to freak out; but to accuse me of cheating and planning behind his back? This is too much.

He grasps my elbow, turning me around in a warm matter. I try to yank my hand off, which causes him to pull me closer to his chest. "(I push his chest with my free hand) Drop your hand off of me. Wasn’t I the one you called a cheater a while ago?” I don’t look at him while crying my eyes out, just to grant myself more self-strength. “(He coos in a new tone I never heard before) Don’t leave me… please baby just-… I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything from what I said…”

His weak voice causes me to turn my head to look at him, which makes me weaken from his view. Tears are dwelling down his face, equally like mine. His eyes are red already, and his lips began to moist from the water droplets falling over them.“Please don’t go… I’m sorry. (He plants kisses all over my face, repeating in scared whispers) I’m so sorry, so so sorry. Please just tell me you’ll stay…”

If it weren’t for his heart-ripping tears, I would have remained upon my decision. But I know why he is scared of my departure; he doesn’t want his love history to repeat itself. I could never do what Laura did to him, but still I am offended to the extreme.

“(I place my hand over his cheek, making him whimper his childish cry) Harry, stop crying… if you stop then I won’t leave. But that doesn’t mean we are okay for now… how could you accuse me of cheating on you? Don’t you trust how much I love you? (I sniffle my nose, while his cheek rubs against my hand softly) How could you think of me that way?”

His red eyes look at me, showing me how vulnerable he is. I hate seeing him weakening in front of me; because it infects me to feel the same way. “(I drop my hand from his cheek, moving out of his hold) You want to know why I wanted some privacy? (I walk over to the bed, snatching the box from the plastic bag) This is why.” He looks at the tampon container, widening his eyes; making me notice how he now understands the true scenario.

“(He wipes his long sleeve against his eyes, drying the tears with stuttering words) I-I didn’t kn-know…” I nod, replying with sadness: “Now you do… I need some air.” I walk past him, gliding down the stairs to the outside. I need to sit in the backyard, just to clear my mind. While I try to open the front door, Harry’s voice speaks behind me; making me notice that he has followed me: “(He pleads) Please, don’t go. I sw-…” He stops talking when I open the door.

A female stands outside, previously stretching her index finger to ring the doorbell. She snatches her finger away, when the door opens. Her bleached hair is captivating to stare at, but her face looks so familiar; even though I am sure I never saw her before.

She looks behind me, eyeing Harry in what seems to be an… affectionate format? Her next actions surprise me, as she walks past me; hovering her arms over Harry’s stunned body. I look at his face, noticing how pale it has turned; closer to the reaction of seeing a ghost. Could this be Laura? No, it can’t… please no?

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