Please? (18th Chapter)

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Harmony's POV:

“Feeling better, mate?” Niall’s voice pops into the walls, while I clean up the mess in a fast speed. Multiple voices are now heard from the living room, so I assume that the rest of the guys accompanied Niall’s visit. I fix six cups of coffee, taking them with me to the living room.

“Good morning, all.” I smile at the four boys, while placing the tray on the table. I give each one a mug, earning a thank you in reply. Harry pats the only free space available, so that I could rest. To be frank, I really want to keep my distance from him as much as possible. But its these little gestures that make it difficult for me to resist him. I slowly sit beside him, squirming away in a polite matter; just to create an appropriate space between us.

“We need to be leaving soon, Harry. We have a job to fulfill in an hour.” My eyes form a worried expression, since I am confused on which job Liam meant. “(Harry groans, taking a sip of his coffee) The hell with plumbing for today. My head is killing me already.” Liam shares a quick glance with the boys, proceeding with his reply: “We have OTHER business to take care off.”

My instinct assures me now that they are discussing the unknown job of violation. Harry stays quiet for a second, the nods to agree. “Nice place you got.” Zayn gives me a tiny grin, trying to erase the tensed atmosphere.“Thank you, but it’s nothing compared to yours.” He lifts his mug, clinging it with mine in a joking matter of cheers. “(He lectures firmly) I’m ready to leave, now.” I give Harry a look, noticing how rigid he is from my connection with Zayn.

“Thank for the coffee, love.” Louis says while they all stand up at the same time. “Will you stop with the whole ‘love’ calling already?” Harry hisses, making me chuckle under my breath. “What was that?” He narrows his eyes at me, and I lift my palms in surrender. They all speak their goodbyes, as they walk out of the door. Harry stays for last, giving me a little smile with his descending words: “Thank you.”

I reply directly: “For what?” He sighs, approaching me till he is face to face. “For being hospitable, when I came here. (His head tilts low, changing his voice to a lower tone) I don’t know how I got here, but I’m glad it was your door and not someone else…” My heart pinches deep down, pumping faster at this Harry that I admire so much. “I couldn’t let you go, after you zoned out.” He nods, stretching his arms to hold both of mine.

“(I shake my head, whispering my repulsion) Don’t.” I begin to slide my hands away, but his grasp becomes stronger to let go. “I want to, though. Please let me?” I stop pulling away, relaxing my hands in his soft skin. “Will I be seeing you at the bar tonight?” I nod slowly, keeping my eyes on the ground.

One of his hands leaves mine, as it slides up to my chin to lift it upwards. He winces from the pain of his bandaged arm, and I hurry to place my free hand on his bicep where the injury lies.
 “(I speak in complete concern) Does it hurt?” He doesn’t respond, he simply keeps his eyes on my hand, which is rubbing his bicep. Once I notice what I’m doing, I leave his arm alone, focusing my eyes back at his. “(He coos, shocking me from his pure voice) You care if it hurts me?”

I am very honest, and I speak what I feel; for that I nod slowly. His eyes glitter in a bright radiance, making them shine better then the light from the sun. “(He clears his throat, letting go of my other hand) I’ll see soon, Harmie.” It’s the first time that he used my nickname, and I think I enjoyed it the most coming out of his mouth.

He walks to the door, and then stops.
 " (He doesn’t turn around, but his soft voice reappears) Thank you again… this time for caring.” He leaves to the outside, while I breathe with a smile on my mouth; who would have thought that Harry would be the reason behind my sadness and joy at the same time…?

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