Brotherly Love

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Ritchie groaned as he wiped blood off himself. This evening, an evening that was meant to be full of fun and cheer, a precursor to a happy time, had ended up awful. How else was he to describe it when it ended with Bri nearly dying and them then faking her death, Michael being so beat up and exhausted he could barely speak without coughing and stuttering, and Silver, probably the best off of the guild leaders, pretty badly hurt.

Not to mention him and Brandon as well. They both ended up hurt pretty bad. Bruised up and bloodied, not to mention the same exhaustion as the others. The two had only now gotten the chance to actually sit and check their injuries and reflect. Ritchie had sent Brandon to shower first as he needed time to think.

Bri was now "dead" and he wasn't sure how well this whole charade would go. This may drag the killer out but then what? If this person took down Reaper what could they be expected to do? Even all working together, Michael, Brandon, and himself couldn't defeat him.

Ritchie groaned and flopped backwards onto his bed. Everything was just too much. He shut his eyes and focused on ignoring his thoughts.

Despite being lost in thought Ritchie didn't even flinch when he felt the bed dip next to him as someone sat. He knew who it was after all. Ritchie felt himself relax as his brother ran his fingers through his hair, gently brushing out some of the tangles.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Ritchie broke it by asking. "What do you think of all this?"

Brandon was quiet before admitting. "I'm not sure… I want to believe that this will help but I have doubts."

"Hmm…" Ritchie acknowledge lightly. "What are your doubts?"

"I don't know if this will actually draw out Reapers killer. I also don't believe we have any chance of beating him if it does."

Ritchie winced at his twin's thoughts, which mirrored his own. "Yeah, I figured you'd say that."

"Also," Brandon continued, "I don't understand why we are not informing Grandmaster Jonathan. It seems as though Michael knows more than he's letting on here."

"That's to be expected though." Ritchie chuckled. "Michael never lays out all his cards. It's how he's gotten as far as he has."


Ritchie chuckled again before getting serious. "You're right though. About him not fully trusting the Grandmaster. Silver and Bri are the same."

"Oh? I got the feeling form Bri as well but I haven't been around Silver as long as you."

"That's because you need to get out more brother." Ritchie held back a yawn as he spoke. The exhaustion mixed with his brother's hand's running through his hair was doing wonders for the part of him that wanted to sleep.

"No thanks. I'll stick to doing the paperwork and dealing with our guild members."

Ritchie whistled. "Damn I underestimated how much you didn't want to socialize. It must be a lot of you're willing to deal with the rest of Divinus Magia."

Brandon scoffed. "Don't get any ideas. I'm not doing anymore of your paperwork. We really need to invest in a secretary."

"Yeah." Ritchie yawned. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. I'm tired."

Ritchie felt Brandon's hand freeze mind stroke and could immediately tell he messed something up. Before he could even open his eyes and ask, he was shoved off the bed and onto the floor.

"OW!" He yelped before glaring up at his twin who glared back with equal fury. "What the heck was that for!?"

"What do you think? There is no way in hell you are sleeping like that. I'm already going to have to wash the blanket because you sat on them while all gross!" Brandon crossed his arms and glared. "There's so much dirt it looks like Mario was in here!"

Ritchie groaned and resisted the urge to just sleep on the floor. Honestly Ritchie would have just slept there if not for the fact that he was sure his Brandon would kick him. He swears the strangest things upset his brother. He wasn't even the one sleeping on that bed! Instead of bothering to fight Ritchie just conceded.

"Fine you win. I'll go shower."

"That should be more of a win for your hygiene than any."

Ritchie stood and stepped off towards the bathroom turning to see Brandon already working on changing the blankets. He couldn't help his small smile, even as he rolled his eyes. He was definitely lucky to have his brother.

Little did he know the same thoughts of fond exasperation were going through his brother's mind

A/N: I have too little time to be starting stories like I do but sometimes plot just hits me and then BAM! I write stuff like this on a whim.

Also this isn't proof read at all. I'm literally posting this on my break at work.

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