A Nightmare of Reality

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Ritchie wasn't sure where he was. All he knew was that it was dark and cold. An awful feeling grew in the pit of his stomach as he stared around through the darkness. He felt so alone here in the darkness with nothing else. At least he thought until a voice cried out to him.

"Brother..." Brandon's voice carried through the silence as a small breeze appeared.

Ritchie didn't hesitate before sprinting towards his twin's voice. "Brother!?" He cried desperately as he ran. "Brandon where are you!?"

Silence answered him.

Ritchie grit his teeth as he kept sprinting. His brother was here, he had to find him! "Brother!" He tried again. "Say something! Please!" He ignored the hysteria he could hear growing in his tone. He felt tears spring to his eyes as no immediate answer came. He stumbled to a stop, bending over and gasping for breath. "Brother..."

Abruptly the darkness surrounding him began to fade, spiraling and twirling, condensing itself until it was gone. Ritchie stood straight and spun round taking in his surroundings desperately. The area was dark and there were graves every where, that was all he had been able to make out before his eyes landed on a figure that seemed bright in the darkness.

He sucked in a breath. "Brother?" He asked, his voice shaking.

Brandon didn't speak, instead he simply smiled. A calm smile that seemed to be amused, as though he couldn't possible fathom why Ritchie was so worked up. He slowly raised an arm, hand extended outward as though asking for Ritchie to take it.

Ritchie moves as quick as he could, but that didn't seem very fast. His body felt as though he was covered in weights. Each movement was tremendously difficult and bordering on painful but he pushed on..

The smile Brandon wore turned less amused and more frustrated as he reached forward a little further, egging Ritchie on without a word.

Ritchie grit his teeth and struggled, moving further still. Looked down at himself for a second, mind struggling to comprehend how he had become so weak. Looking back up he felt his throat constrict with terror. The darkness had returned slowly winding it around his twin whose smile feel completely switching to a look of fear that made every protective instinct he held flare up.

At that moment his body decided it couldn't handle the weight and exhaustion that had suddenly appeared and he feel to his knees. He reached towards his brother trying despite all odds to reach him before the darkness swallowed him whole. His attempts were futile as the darkness grew thicker and thicker until in completely obscured Brandon from sight. In mere moments it dispersed leaving only the empty graveyard.

At the same moment the weight and pull on his body vanished, right when it was to late. He stared numbly at the emptiness and began to shake.

"No... No... NONONONONO-!" He cut himself off with a choked sob as he slammed his fist into the ground, over and over. His tears ran down his face dripping onto the ground as he let out a strangled scream. "DAMMIT!" He gasped out ignoring the pain in his hand, as he let his forehead touch the ground. "Brother..." He sobbed. "Please, come back... I need you..."

He jerked suddenly body shooting up. He looked around and numbly noticed he was back in his room. He was still shaking and tears slid down his cheeks in endless rivers as he turned to face his brother's empty bed. He stared at it for a long moment before wiping his face and standing.

He gave a shaky laugh, sanity slowly slipping away, and muttered. "I need a drink."

A/N: Sad boi hours here. Was screwing around in Gacha Life and I had this idea pop in so here we are.

Hope you enjoyed. Peace!

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