Sleepy Cuddles

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Ritchie x Michael

Michael yawned as he tried to focus on the meeting before him. It's not as though the meeting was particularly boring, in fact it was a very interesting one! It's just that he hasn't gotten much sleep lately.

Not as though that's new either. He typically tries to get at least a few hours every few days. To make sure he doesn't let it effect his work, but he had missed the day he'd designated to sleep due to talking with Devin. Not that he could tell anyone else of that, at least not yet anyway.

But, still he was really suffering for it. Was it to much to ask to reminisce with an old friend?

Michael was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice that the others had stopped talking and were watching him. Bren crouched, leaning down to tap Michael on the shoulder.

"Hey, boss man?"

Michael jerked, jumping more than he'd care to admit. "Oh, um, sorry I think I zoned out there for a moment. What were we talking about?"

"You think?" Silver raised an eyebrow incredulously.

"Yeah, we've been trying to get your attention for about five minutes. Lo'pho added.

"Oh," Michael flushed sheepishly, "sorry I was," he cut himself off with a yawn, "I was lost in thought."

"You keep yawning, are you okay?" Bri asked crossing her arms.

"Wha-? I'm fine! Really, Don't worry about it."

"If you're sure..." Ritchie frowned, clearly not believing the other.

"I'm sure. So what was it we were talking about?" Michael quickly diverted the conversation back the meeting, taking care to pay attention to the rest.

"Well," Brandon, thank God for him Michael internally thanked, spoke up, "we were discussing the best course of action for the Garden."

The meeting after that went smoothly Michael forcing himself to focus on what was said. After however, when everyone was preparing to leave, he felt himself zoning out again.

While he wasn't focused he missed Brandon whispering to Ritchie. Ritchie jerked and stared at his twin in shock, quickly shaking his head. Brandon just smirked and called Bren over to them. The Beast Slayer curiously wandered over and Brandon whispered to him as well. Bren then smirked along with Brandon and nodded at Ritchie who had started blushing. With both pressuring him it wasn't long before he caved and nodded.

Then he made his way over to Michael.

"Uh, hey Michael?" He asked.

Michael blinked and looked up at Ritchie. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

Ritchie swallowed nervously. "I was wondering if you wantedtohangoutwithmelatermaybeasadateornotifyou'renotcoolwithit!"

"Umm... What?"

"I mean, do you want to hang out? We could talk about whatever's bothering you?" He offered.

Michael frowned. "Sorry I can't. I have to shadow travel Bren back to the guild."

"Oh! Don't worry about him! My brother offered to take him back."

"Your... Why did Brandon offer to take Bren? I'm pretty sure they've never really spoken much..."

"He, uh, he's trying to make more friends. I told him he should, ya'know, branch... out... his... social circles! Yeah!"

Michael blinked confused. "But, Bren? Those two are very different."

"Yeah that's why I suggested him! So you wanna hang? We can ask Bri to go to the, you know where?"

Michael held back a sigh. He just wanted to sleep! But how was he supposed to tell Ritchie 'No' when he looked so hopeful?

So Michael just smiled. "Sure. Shadow travel?"

"Sure thing! Let me check with Bri real quick."

Soon the two found themselves sat at table in the dragon cove.

"Sooo... What's up with you?" Ritchie asked, concerned.

"Like I said before I'm fine. I'm just really tired. I didn't get to sleep the other night so... Yeah." He shrugged but Ritchie frowned.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Dunno, probably about four or five days."

"Michael!" Ritchie scolded. "Even with your magic that's not healthy!"

"Sorry but I didn't have time. I was with-" Michael cut himself abruptly staring at Ritchie wide eyed.

Ritchie's face went blank for a moment before he asked. "Who were you with?"

"Well now or never I suppose." Michael sighed to himself before locking eyes with Ritchie. "I was with Eden."

Ritchie felt like the air had been knocked out of him. "What..?" He whispered in shock.

"Well not technically Eden." Michael hurried to clarify. "I was with Devin. Devin was being controlled by Eden. I managed to split them when we rescued Grandmaster Jonathan."

"You..." Ritchie shook his head slowly. "And you didn't tell any of us!?"

"I wasn't sure you'd all believe me." Michael admitted. "But I trust you."

Ritchie blushed lightly. "You... Trust me?"

"Obviously. I mean, I trust all the guild leaders to an extent, but you the most."

"Oh? Well, why are you telling me this?"

Michael yawned. "I guess one reason is that I have never really hidden it, but I guess another is that I'm really tired." He laughed a little as he said the last bit and let his head slam on the table. "God I'm so tired."

"Well why don't you sleep here?" Ritchie offered standing.


"There are blankets I know Bri keeps here, and I can watch over you. What do you say?"

Michael felt his face light up in a blush. "Um sure I guess."

Ritchie grinned jumping up and pulling Michael towards the hay bales. Spreading the hay slightly he grabbed the blanket that rested on top of it and sat, pulling Michael down with him.

Michael blushed but let himself be maneuvered against Ritchie's side. As embarrassed as he was his exhaustion took over and he dozed off, subconsciously snuggling against Ritchie's side and nuzzling his chest slightly.

Ritchie was trying not to squeal and wake up the other, but it was hard. How did one deal well with their crush sleeping on them. Ritchie just let his arms wrapped around Michael and hold him, smiling wide.

He'd have to remember to thank Bren and his brother, that was for sure.

A/N: Here's some Mitchie for all you shippers! It was requested by X1PandaFlamewX hope you enjoyed this small thing. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this ship. At least in fto, considering Michael is married, so I kept it purposely ambiguous on the relationship status. As always let me know if there are any typos and what not.

Also Brandon and Bren are the best wingman and nothing can convince me otherwise.

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