Not Worth It

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Lucas rolled his eyes as he walked silently along side David listening to him complain about Mario and whatever recent issue they had. The two were traveling a little ways outside of Atlantide's main city and the whole time he had listened to David rambling on and on about Mario. Surprisingly, it didn't annoy Lucas as much as it would have at the beginning of their friendship. He and David had somehow managed to create a pretty close bond, considering the way it started with Lucas attacking the guild and then David's jealousy over him being made S-Class. It was at the point where even though Lucas could move out into his own place he continued to stay with David. 

He tuned back into the conversation in time to hear David whine. "The stupid pebble brain thinks he is better than me! Like, which of us is S-Class?"

"Technically both of us."

"Not talking about us Raindrop!"

Lucas chuckled and shook his head. He opened his mouth to respond only to freeze. He stopped walking and David paused as well turning back to stare at him.

"Do you... hear that?" The God Slayer asked eyes narrowing slightly. David paused and his expression turned dark.

He nodded slightly but out loud said. "I don't hear anything." With a casual shrug. He turned and kept walking. Lucas, following his lead hummed and stepped up to walk beside him once more.

"Guess it was just my imagination then."

"Guess your mind's wandering from all those books you read upside down."

"Okay that makes no sense. Also it was ONE time!"

"One time too many!"

The two walked along keeping up the banter whilst Lucas started to gather dew from the plants in the area and slowly let them morph into a small clone, only about an inch tall. He silently controlled it to hide on the side of the road and wait. It wasn't much but it was enough to let Lucas know exactly where their follower was and keep a tabs on him to ensure no sneak attacks.

That was how Lucas had enough warning to dodge to the side avoiding an attack from behind that would have cut him in half. Unfortunately, however, keeping his focus on the clone to be able to see what it saw he hadn't been paying attention to the terrain around them. He winced as his foot caught on a root in the ground sending him sprawling across the ground.

"Ice-Make Spikes!" He heard David yell as he sat up turning to look. He spotted a man with an axe jumping back to avoid the attack. Once there was some distance between them, David glared. "What the hell's your problem?" He growled. "You think you can just up and attack one of my boys?"

"Shut up!" The man spat glaring. "You criminal scum!"

Lucas stood back up and frowned at the man. "What-?"

David cut him off whilst rolling his eyes. "Oh you're one of those people." He shifted his stance and glared. "This is your last chance to back off. You turn around and go back to Atlantide and we'll continue on with our mission or you can get you butt handed to you by us."

The man scoffed. "You Divinus Magia mages have been a pain for far too long. You should all be rotting away in jail cells!" The mans eyes flickered to behind David for a moment before he grinned. "Or rotting six feet under!"

Lucas spotted the other man ducking out of the underbrush a weapon raised prepared to take David's head clean off. He didn't have enough time to react with magic so he did the only thing he could think of.

He lunged and tackled the man with the sword.

David created a wall of ice between him and the first man as he spun to help Lucas, who grappled with the man on the ground. Before he could do anything, Lucas let out a cry as he felt the blinding pain of the sword slashing through his side.

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