Unbreakable Friendship

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Michael ran a hand down his face as he paced through the small cabin. Devin was sitting at the table watching him with concern shining in his eyes. After fleeing the fight with the Divinus Magia guild leaders Michael had taken them to Reapers old training place. After all the only other person who knew where this was, was Silver and Michael hoped he'd have the sense to wait for everyone to calm down before he suggested looking here.

"Hey..." Michael jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his arm. He hadn't even noticed Devin stand but here he was right next to him. "Why don't you sit down for a bit." 

Michael let Devin pull him over to the chair as he groaned. He buried his face in his hands and shook his head. "Why did it have to go down like this?"

Devin put an arm around his shoulder and shook his head. "Things can't always work out the way you want them to. The best case scenario would have been them finding me and being all "Oh boy this is just so gosh darn great that we have a new ally!" Which let's be honest, we knew that wasn't going to happen."

Michael chuckled and lowered his hands, turning to look at Devin. "How is it you've always known how to make me feel better? Even when we first met..."

Michael's mind slid back to when they first met as kids.


Young  seven year old Michael wrapped his arms around himself as he was brought into the large stone building by the guild leader of Grimshade. The large room they entered was full of people but the man payed no mind to them so Michael kept his head down and did the same. Eventually after what felt like an eternity of eyes staring at them they came to a wooden door.

The leader led him into the room. "Wait here." He ordered turning to head back out. "If you're going to join Grimshade you'll need to be approved by the second in command as well as a few other senior members. Don't. Touch. Anything."

"Y-yes sir..."

And with that Micheal was left alone. He wasn't sure how long he stood there quietly waiting before he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He tensed, realizing that these footsteps were far to light to be the guild master. His eyes darted around the room looking for a place to hide, but after finding none he settled for crouching on the side of the desk and watching the door.

No sooner did he hide then the door slammed open and then back shut. A boy with brown hair stood there pressing his ear to the door as he cackled quietly. There was a sound of heavier footsteps and a man shouting, although Michael couldn't make out any words he could tell that it wasn't anything pleasant.

Soon the sound faded away and the boy stood grinning in a very self-satisfied manner. Then he suddenly turned to look at the room.

Michael ducked back down and held his breath. His heart pounded as he waited for any sign that the other had seen him.

The silence in the room felt suffocating and Michael felt tears spring to his eyes. He was terrified. Living most of his life on the streets had left him always paranoid and anxiety ridden. Logically he knew the odds of the boy attacking him here, despite what the guild was known for, were very unlikely. However putting that knowledge over the experience he'd earned in his short few years of life wasn't something easily done.

After a few moments Michael untensed slowly. It was quiet and he began to question whether or not the other boy was even still in the room. Right as he was about to look at the door again the boy was in front of him brown eyes narrowed in fury.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!?" He yelled as Michael jumped losing his balance and falling over.

Michael froze unable to respond, his own red eyes wide in panic, contrasting the others glare. When Michael didn't respond the boy took a step closer. "Hey answer me-"

His voice cut out abruptly as Michael threw his arms up to block his face in a harsh flinch, finally losing the battle to keep his tears at bay.

"H-hey..." The boy started this time his voice much softer. "Um, don't cry. I didn't mean to scare you..."

Michael hesitantly lowered his arms to examine the other for any ill intent. He didn't find it. Instead he came face to face with a look of concern, the boy also had one arm outstretched towards him.

Deeming the boy no threat Michael tried to wipe his tears away with his dirty, oversized sleeves, sniffling as he did so. The boy turned an grabbed something off the desk before turning back and crouching in front of Michael. He held out the tissue and Michael hesitated.

"I'm not suppose to touch anything..."

"Oh so you do speak!" The boy teased with a smile. "Here just move your hands, and..." He leaned forward and gently wiped his face clean. "There you go! You didn't touch it." The boy winked and Michael giggled softly hiding his face slightly with his sleeves. "I'm Devin. The youngest member of Grimshade." He declared proudly.

"I'm Michael." He said quietly, forcing a small nervous smile. "I'm supposed to join Grimshade."

"Aww." Devin pouted. "I guess I won't be the youngest anymore. How old are you?"


"Wait really!? No way, you're like five tops!"


~Flashback End~

Devin laughed, bringing Michael back to the present. "Yeah I only cheered you up after making you cry."

"Not your fault. I probably would have cried if you smiled an introduced yourself, I was so stressed out." Michael laughed and shook his head. 

Devin stared at him for a moment before his smile fell and he glanced away. 


"...What are you going to do? The Diabolus twins aren't gonna forget that easily. And neither will the rest of Divinus Magia. That entire guild is practically a family, any of them see you and they'll attack."

"I don't know." Michael shrugged. "All I know is that you're more important to me then any of them. If they make me choose..."

He let his comment hang as he shrugged. If it came down to it he would take Devin and they would run. Being wanted wasn't something he quite wanted but he was willing to do so. He wouldn't go as far as comparing their bond to that of the Diabolus twins, it had a clear difference as they choose to remain by each other and he thinks that counts for something.

"Besides, I already sent a message to Bren. He'll look after the guild for awhile."

Devin looked back at him and was staring with this odd look on his face. Michael flushed embarrassed as he realized it was genuine awe and gratitude. Michael yelped as he was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a tight hug.

Devin shook as he sobbed into Michael's shoulder, tightly clinging to the other man. Michael hugged him back and shook his head at the multiple and frantic apologies and thank yous.

The two sat there for a long while, while Michael gently consoled his friend. They knew that things were gonna be difficult for a while but they would have each other through it.And honestly? That's all that Michael cared about in this moment.

A/N: Okay so first off sorry for vanishing again, works been rough, one person fired, another up and quit, and a third is in the hospital because he got bit by a brown recluse and then waited four days to go to the hospital, so I've been picking up a lot of slack and it's time consuming.

But as for the story it takes place directly after "Finding Him" because I wanted write something for that but i don't actually know how the reconciliation between Michael and the others will go yet but I do plan to finish it. 

Also I imagined, as I wrote, that Michael was on the streets his whole life until he was picked up by Grimshade. So he also had all the fear and anxiety of that and he would have been a very timid kid. Also very smol. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed. Peace!

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