Dragon Pact?

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Mario was wrapped up in his thoughts as he walked around Divinus Magia's island. Recently he'd met all the other dragon slayers at the Grand Magic games. It had been the first time all of them were in the same room together. It lead to some... Unexpected consequences.

For whatever reason it had created some sort of bond between them all. Him, Bryan, Collin, and Mitch all felt it at the same time. Mario then noticed quickly after that he was experiencing the same kind of protective instincts he had for Kit and Kay for them.

The others felt the same thing and eventually Bryan had asked Lo'pho about it and the cat then brought them all for a meeting with the leader of Grimshade, who explained a few things.


Mario scowled as he leaned against the wall in the Protectors guild. He wasn't even sure why he was there, all he knew was that Lo'pho had dragged him here and Bryan was here as well.

Glancing at the brunet Mario asked. "Do you know what this is about?"

He laughed nervously. "I may have an idea..."

"And that would be?"

"Well I sort of told Lo'pho about the weird thing that happened at the GMG's..."

Mario groaned. "So what? Is he gonna explain what it means?"

Bryan shrugged. "I dunno. He just told me to wait here."

Mario sighed and started to pace the room. He noticed his senses automatically checking the place out for any danger and groaned again, putting his face in his hands. Ever since that night anytime he's in a room with any other dragon slayer he's constantly searching for danger. Even in rooms he knows are safe!

Looking at the other he noted Bryan was doing the same. He just wasn't as good at hiding it.

"Relax. Nothing gonna attack you here."

Bryan, seemingly without thinking, blurted out. "I'm not worried about anything attacking me." Then his mind caught up with his mouth and he blushed. "I, uh, ya'know..."

Before Mario could respond there was a surge of magic and four figures stepped out of the shadows. Lo'pho, Mitch, Collin, and Michael all appeared. Michael stumbled slightly and Collin grabbed his arm to keep him steady.

"Ugh, I hate shadow traveling so many people." The guild leader huffed as he righted himself. "Oh look at that, you're both already here."

"As I said they would be." Lo'pho cut in.

"So wanna explain what is happening here?" Mitch cut in glaring at everyone. (Although Mario noticed a distinctive lack of bite as his eyes landed on Bryan and himself.)

"Well," Michael began, "I'm going to teach you four about dragon pacts."

There was silence for a moment before Collin spoke up. "So what are dragon pacts?"

Michael shot him a glare and his posture grew threatening bas he snapped. "I'm getting to that."

Mario felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he took a step forward holding back a glare. He vaguely felt Mitch and Bryan do the same, Mitch going as far as stepping between the two.

"Don't speak to him like that!" Bryan growled.

After a second Michael relaxed. "That is a dragon pact."

"...What?" Mario would admit he was a little lost.

"You thought Collin was in trouble, and all reacted accordingly, without even meaning to I'd bet."

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