Vikings Don't Pout

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TW: Suggestive language and actions (But nothing happens so don't worry)

Bjorn x Brandon

Brandon sat in his office trying to fill out paperwork. Keyword being trying as his train of thought kept being interrupted by heavy sighs. The 3000 year old viking king was acting more like 3 year old toddler in his opinion. His secret boyfriend had been quiet ever since earlier in the day when Michael had come to see them about his mission. At first he'd figured it had been about whatever he'd been shown when looking into the God Slayers eyes but the man hadn't acted as though he were upset in that way, instead he seemed to be pouting.

It was almost immediately after his brother had left that the man had entered the office and sat on the table. Neither had spoken but Bjorn, every now and then let out little sighs and grumbles. Eventually Brandon set down his pen and turned to the viking.

"Is there a reason you're sitting on my table and pouting like a child?"

Bjorn glared at him but there was no bite in it. "I'm not pouting. A viking doesn't pout."

Brandon sighed and stood walking around the table to stand in front of Bjorn. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Bjorn, I'm sorry, but you are most definitely pouting." He stepped closer letting his fall, hands landing on his knees as he stared up into Bjorn's eyes. "Please tell me what's got you so upset? Was it Michael's magic?"

As he predicted Bjorn cracked from his gaze, the viking never able to deny him anything when staring into his eyes. "It was not Michael."

"Then what was it?"

"It was... you."

Brandon blinked. He had not been expecting that. He racked his mind, desperately trying to figure out how he'd upset the other only to come up blank. "Me? I... I'm sorry, but I don't know what I did."

He wasn't sure how Bjorn even had the gall to say vikings didn't pout. He had the perfect definition if the word written across his face. His eyes were glaring slightly while his cheeks puffed out, lips quivering slightly. Brandon had to hold back a smile. The sight was absolutely adorable. It made him want to squeal but he stopped himself. It was serious time.

Bjorn turned his head away. "You didn't compliment me."


"Earlier today. Ritchie said that I've "been good to the guild" and I asked if you were gonna compliment me and you didn't. You said I got enough praise."

Brandon couldn't help himself. He burst out into giggles ignoring Bjorn's indignant complaints. "I-I'm sorry..." He managed to gasp out between giggles. "Did I hurt your feelings?"

"As a matter of fact you did." Bjorn nodded seriously before he smirked. "How are you gonna make it up to me?"

Brandon calmed his giggles and let a teasing grin cover his face. "Well..." He drawled as he moved so he was straddling Bjorn's lap. "I can think of a few things."


"Uh huh." He nodded wrapping his arms around Bjorn's neck. Then he leaned forward and kissed the viking. Bjorn wrapped his arms around the slender mages waist, eagerly kissing back.

Things were going well, until Brandon abruptly jerked his body away and spun to face the door just as it opened.

"Hey boss!" David greeted as he stepped in, not bothering to knock. "Oh hey Bjorn. Where's Ritchie?"

"My brother headed off to see Michael, Silver, and Bri. What is it you needed?"

"I just wanted to check and make sure I got all the missions that needed to be put up." He paused and squinted at the two. "Are you two alright? You're kinda red."

Brandon cleared his throat while Bjorn took a swig of his drink. "We're fine. We were simply having a... disagreement that got a little... heated, I suppose would be the word."

"Ah. And missions?"

"All put out already. Now didn't we tell you to go out on a job?"

David waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going to meet up with pebble brain now. See you when we get back!"

David left and after a moment both let out relieved breaths.

"That was a close one." Brandon sighed sitting back in his chair.

"Indeed it was. Now where were we?"

Brandon waved him off. "That's enough of that. I let you distract me enough as it is. I have to finish this paperwork before you're all wanted criminals again."

Bjorn's draw dropped, before he composed himself. "Well, we can pick up later."

"Not quite." Brandon gave him a pitying smile. "I have things to do with my brother. If I bail then people would grow suspicious."

Bjorn groaned. and let his head slam on the desk. "Why can't we just tell the others so they can stop interrupting us?"

"You can." Brandon shrugged before smirking. "As long as you're prepared to tell Ritchie as well."

Bjorn groaned again and Brandon let out a laugh, turning to finish his paperwork.

A/N: More of my favorite fto ship! After writing the first Bjorn x Brandon I went back and watched through Brandon's videos to find out where I started shipping it and it was his third episode where Michael visited and as said in the story, Ritchie complimented Bjorn and Bjorn turned to Brandon to see if he'd compliment him too. I thought it was such  cute teasing interaction, not to mention how cute they'd look together. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed. Peace!

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