Diagnosis: Love Sickness

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Pitch (Pat x Mitch) Also Dragon Pact is cannon for this fic.

Mitch sighed as he sat alone on the bar in the guild hall. He boredly flipped through a magazine that he had found sitting there. He was pretty sure it was Lily's but honestly was too bored to even really care about being caught reading it. He had noticed it laying open earlier and could't help but chuckle as he saw that it was open to a page about how to figure out if you had a crush. He had a hunch it was about Colin. As he flipped through he came to a page that was titled "Fall in Love Today!" Raising an eyebrow at the title he began to scan the article. It was another article about determining your feelings for people and he rolled his eyes in disbelief.

How do people not know their own feelings? How would they not know? Mitch sure as hell knew his own feelings. Like, sure, maybe he had a small (large) crush on Pat but he didn't need any magazine written by strangers he'd never met in his life to tell him that. Continuing he noticed the page after had a bunch of ideas for dates and other couple things to do. He felt a smile creep onto his face as he read over them and imagined him and Pat doing them together. Turning the page again he frowned as it was a page about ways to confess to your crush.

It made him think of all his failed attempts to do so. Every idea he had come up with had ended up failing and back firing. His first attempt had been a simple confession. He'd walked up to Pat and asked to talk to him privately. He'd stuttered his way through the first part of his confession but before he could get to the important part, well...


"Hey, Pat? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Hmm? Sure, what's up?"

"Not here." Mitch lead Pat outside of Grimshade in hopes to avoid anyone from overhearing, just in case he got his heart broken.

Pat glanced around sipping his tea before raising an eyebrow at Mitch. "So what's important you had to drag me out here?"

"Well, I wanted to say, um," Mitch fumbled for words feeling his face burn, "I... I see you as a friend. You're one of the few people who I genuinely trust and  care about. And I  j-just wanted you to know that I-.... I really l-"

He was cut of by a the door opening and a very drunk Bren standing there. "Whatcha doing?" He giggled. 

"What's it look like?" Mitch snapped glaring at the beast slayer.

He shouldn't have said that. With Bren as drunk as he was, it was taken as a serious question.

"It looks like you're 'bout to confess." He'd slurred out. "Like you love 'im or somethin'."

Pat froze before he turned to him eyes wide. "What? Do you..?"

Something in his tome made Mitch panic. He turned away crossing his arms. "Love you? No! Never gonna say it, no you're all wrong! All wrong!" With that he'd stormed back into the guild hall sitting in the corner and glaring at anyone who looked his way.

*Flashback End*

Yeah, it hadn't gone as planned. He had chickened and yelled random things until he could get away. Stupid Bren. He was glad Michael had cut him off for a while. At least Bren had forgotten about the incident. That was a plus. Although a downside was the fact that Pat had come up to him later and apologized for believing Bren's words. Upside was that he said he also valued Mitch as a friend and trusted him. But yeah it hadn't worked out.

Now scowling he turned the page in the magazine and groaned letting his head fall on to the bar. It was a recipe page for making chocolate. Guess what Mitch's second attempt to confess involved. If you guessed it involved "Making Pat Chocolate" then you're was correct. This magazine was insistent in making he relive all the embarrassing memories.

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