A Calm Storm

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Bjorn x Brandon

Takes place before the start of the series.

Bjorn watched silently as Mario argued with David. He wasn't actually listening to them as he was wrapped up in his thoughts. His mind was locked on to his guild leaders. Well more specifically one of them. Every time he closed his eyes his mind wandered to the white haired guild leader. Ever since he'd met the two he'd always felt a connection to Brandon. The man was gorgeous in a way he'd never seen from someone before. He was the calm at the eye of the storm, every move he made was graceful and smooth and Bjorn always struggled to tear his eyes away from him.

His voice was a calm sort of quiet that he could listen to for the rest of his life. Especially when he would sing. Brandon didn't sing often and the few times he did it was to his brother, but Bjorn "happened" to overhear. Not to mention the strength he possessed. Not many could defeat the viking king in battle, but Brandon had faced little issue. He had tried to deny it many times after first meeting them but as time went on, he was forced to admit it. He was in love with Brandon Diabolus. It had lead to him actively avoiding the smaller man, despite how weak it made him feel.

He glanced up at the sound of Mario and David yelping. He let a small smirk cross his face as he saw Brandon standing between them whilst they both clutched their heads.

"Now that's enough, both of you." He scolded. "Go do something useful if you would." He looked between them and smirked. " Otherwise I'll have to pick something for you. And I believe Ms. Prendegast has some jobs she needs assistance with..."

He didn't have to say anymore as David grabbed Mario and dragged him off. Bjorn shook his head.

"You always know what to say to get them moving."

Brandon turned and Bjorn felt the breath leave his lungs at the sight of his soft smile. "You just have to put forward the right... incentive."

Bjorn felt a blush rising to his face at the sight of that smile being aimed at him. He turned away covering it by taking a drink. After calming himself he glanced back and was met by Brandon frowning at him. He frowned back. "Yes?"

"Bjorn..." The air mage paused, clearly hesitant to continue on.

"Is something the matter?"

"It's just that... I feel as though you are avoiding me." Brandon admitted. "I asked Ritchie and he agreed. So did I do something to make you uncomfortable? If so I apologize." 

After speaking Brandon looked away, nervously biting his bottom lip. Bjorn stared unable to pull his eyes from the sight. The logical side of his mind was screaming at him to quit it and stop staring but the part of him that was picturing other things was in control. The man had made him uncomfortable, just not in anyway he'd be imagining.


He jumped and dragged his eyes away. "I..." He paused as he took a moment to figure out how to explain his behavior. "I have indeed been avoiding you. However it is nothing you did, I was just acting weak."

Brandon seemed genuinely startled at the admission, pausing for a moment before stepping forward to sit next to him on the bench. "Thank you for telling me." He smiled at the viking once more before turning back to observe the garden. "I wasn't expecting such a straight forward response."

Bjorn let his gaze linger for a moment before turning to stare across the garden as well. "I see no point in beating around the bush." He shrugged. "Denying it would have been fruitless."

"Hmm." Brandon hummed slightly. "Then are you going to continue?"

Bjorn shook his head. "No. I do not wish to hurt your feelings."

"Don't worry about me. If avoiding me is something you need to do for now then go ahead." He bumped the viking with his elbow, a teasing smile adorning his face. "I won't hold it against you."

Bjorn turned to face Brandon, feeling his heart glow at the sight of his guild leaders cool blue green eyes. How had he ever hoped to not see this? How had he ever been able to stop himself from gazing at such a beautifully calm storm? "No... I think I have things figured out now."

"Oh? Do you wish to share?"

"No, not really."

"Alright then."

Again Bjorn couldn't help but marvel at the man once more. Most would push, eager to discover the reason for his odd actions, but Brandon? He let it be. He didn't push and respected his feelings despite the curiosity that was surely gnawing at him from within. He was prepared to wait for him to tell him even with the knowledge that Bjorn might never tell him.

Before he could stop himself Bjorn reached over and wrapped an arm around Brandons shoulders, pulling him snug against him. The guild leader let out the most adorable little squeak before composing himself, although remaining tense.


Bjorn felt a shudder run through him. How many times now had his name spilled from those beautiful lips? His name sounding so different in that beautiful voice? Never did he think that his name could sound so perfect. He forced himself to speak. "Sorry. Can you just... stay with me? For now?"

Brandon slowly relaxed, Bjorn could feel the other nod. "Alright."

That's how they stayed. Bjorn felt more content than he had in ages. He knew that the moment could never last but for now it was enough. Maybe the guild leader would never be his but just being near him, being surrounded in his presence was enough for him. He wasn't sure haw long they sat but in his mind, not of a second of it was time wasted.

A/N: So Bjorn x Brandon was a ship i fell in love with at some point in the series. I don't remember what sparked it or how it happened but it slowly became my favorite Brandon ship in fto. There is like literally nothing for it and that actually made me so sad?? I decided to remedy that with this little thing.

Also it gave me an excuse to gush about Brandon and how amazing he is. Well at any rate I hope you all enjoyed! Peace!

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