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David groaned and laid his head on the table. He had been on a mission with Mario and Kit and, boy, did he regret it. What was it with Divinus Magia guild members and not being able to aim properly!? Mario and Kit, who sat in and nearby Mario's chair respectively, we're chatting about the mission and ignoring the battered ice wizard. Inmo also sat in the corner mourning for the loss of Bjorn.

All in all it was a pretty typical day.

And then Brandon walked in. Immediately everyone could tell he wasn't happy. Mario and Kit fell silent and David, before he realized it, was sat straight up at attention.

Brandon stood in the middle of the room for a moment before asking. "Is my brother in our office?"

David almost shuddered. Brandon's voice was blank. It seemed completely dead in a way that David had never heard before. He barely noticed the exchanged glances between the others as he hurried to answer.

"Yeah, he said he was going to look over some paperwork." He heisitated  before adding. "Is everything okay..?"

Brandon just looked at for a long moment, eyes as expressionless as his voice, before blandly responding. "Peachy." And turning to head up the stairs.

The group was silent until Inmo, who seemed to be the first to regain his voice spoke up. "Umm, what was that?"

Everyone looked to David for an answer, but he just scowled.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You have been around him the longest." Kit shrugged.

"Well, I'm sure he'll be fine." David nodded. "I mean if anyone can fix, whatever's wrong, it'll be Ritchie." He spoke confidently but it was clear he wasn't sure.

The others accepted his answer and went back to what they were doing prior to the interruption. Or at least they tried to. The nervous tension in the air refused to fade.

Then they all heard a loud thud coming from the floors above mixed with muffled yelling. David and Mario both, were sprinting up the steps before the other two were even able to comprehend the sound. Although the moment they did they followed.

David and Mario had paused as they got up the first flight of steps to listen. B this point they were able to make out what was being yelled.

"Stop it!" Brandon's voice sounded strangled as he yelled. "Let go- hey! G-get off!"

David felt his heart pounding d in his chest as he climbed the guild hall faster than ever before. Was Brandon being attacked!? Right here in their own guild hall!? All he knew is that he'd be damned if anything or anyone else was going to attack their home and get away with it, especially after last time. He barely heard the others behind him as he got to the office's floor.

"S-stop! Please, mercy!" Brandon's voice begged.

David didn't heisitate and slammed the door open, magic at the ready. "Brandon!? Are you... Alright..?

His voice trailed off at the sight in front of him. Ritchie was straddling his twin and was smirking as his hands tickled Brandon's sides. The taller twin was trying to get the other off while also trying to avoid laughing. Ritchie turned his head towards the door, still smirking.

"Hey." He greeted casually, as though they didn't all look ready to attack. He didn't even stop torturing his twin as he spoke to them. "What's up?"

"Wait, what is going on here?" Kit asked in confusion.

"Oh this?" Ritchie's smirk grew as Brandon caved and began to giggle. "Just a little... Punishment, I guess we'll call it."

"Rit-chie please!" Brandon begged but his pleas were consequently ignored.

"Punishment?" Mario asked raising an eyebrow.


When Ritchie didn't elaborate Mario pressed further. "Punishment for what?"

"Well you see,"as Ritchie spoke he turned back and redoubled his assault on his brother, whose small giggles had turned into full blown laughter, "Brandon here thought he could come in here and be all mopey and bleh. That's not allowed."

Brandon continued to struggle and try to push the other off himself, while their guild members watched.

"Wait, his punishment is tickles while ours is Dodge the Lightning Bolt!?" Inmo cut in frowning. "How is that fair!?"

"Trust me," Ritchie laughed, "brother would prefer Dodge the Lightning Bolt. Isn't that right?"

"Y-yes, please!" Brandon barely managed to gasp out. "Let's d-do that instead!"

"Hmm..." Ritchie slowed his assault as he mock thought, before cheerfully deciding. "Nope!"

Brandon, who had taken the moment of reprieve to breath, eye's widened. "W-wait!"

David who had been silent since entering the room suddenly scoffed. "I can't believe this. We were worried you know?"

"Well as you can tell, there's no reason to be." Ritchie said. "Now if you'll excuse us, I need to finish enacting my brothers punishment."

The group obediently stepped out of the room, ignoring Brandon's desperate pleas just as Ritchie had.

They quietly made there way back downstairs and reclaimed their seats.

"Is this... Normal?" Kit asked glancing between Mario and David.

Mario shrugged but David commented. "I've seen them do that once before."

"Really?" Inmo say up curiously, tilting his head. "What happened?"

David shrugged. "I don't know the full story but Ritchie was really upset of something. Like, I thought he was gonna go destroy a town, upset. Brandon pulled him off to the side and something similar to what was going on up there happened."

"Huh..." Mario contemplated. "You know, it's not as hard to imagine as you'd think."

Kit and Inmo both agreed and David laughed.

"Well one good thing," David grinned, "Brandon's definitely gonna be back to himself after this."

A/N: Well that's that for this. This was requested by BeepBoop- and I thought it was adorable. It's no secret by this point that I love the Twins, so this just called to me. Sorry to if it's not what you wanted.

Also I'm working on another part of this that was supposed to go up before this, but it's already nearly 4k words and not even half way through what I wanted, and I kinda got burnt out from just writing that lol. Anywho this isn't the best but I needed to like reset my mind with cute fluffiness. Hope you enjoyed. (Also if you're wondering what got Brandon so upset, then that makes two of us) (btw that picture could look so bad out of context lmao)

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