Baby Boomers and Baby Guppies

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David shook his head as he heard explosions carry from across the island. As far as he was concerned, if they were over there they weren't his problem. That's want he thought...

At least until he realized that they were on the side of the island with his garden. Then he was sprinting towards them, ready to scream at and/or physically harm Inmo if anything happened to his new garden!

It didn't take him long to arrive and as soon as he did he was greeted with the sight of Inmo and Mario fighting while Kit sat near by watching.

"Oh shut up pebble brain!"

"No way! You need to watch were you explode, dammit!"

"You need to watch your face!"

"That doesn't even make any sense!"

"Oi!" David interrupted them with a shout and glare. "You best take your squabbling elsewhere, before you damage my garden!"

They both glared at him. "Shut up David!"

"Hey you're talking to an S class wizard alright? Show some respect!"

"You know," Lucas commented walking up behind him, "being S class isn't an automatic respect pass."

"You hush! I'm focused on my garden!"

"Yeah," Inmo taunted, "don't damage the garden Mario!"

"He's taking about you mister, I'll take any chance to be a nuisance!"

"Shut up mister, I can't aim and hit my teammates!"

"Okay, now that one is just the pot calling the kettle black." Kit chimed in.

"Yeah cause your any better at that." David scoffed.


From there it dissolved in to a four way argument, leaving Boat groaning and burying his face in his hands.

"This is my life now..." He groaned.

Things quickly took a turn when Inmo tried to explode at Mario, who in turn dragged up a rock wall to block him. Now typically that wouldn't be too much of an issue (minus the messing up of the garden anyway) but with his explosion, Inmo had tried something similar to what he tried on Brandon. He launched himself at the dragon slayer and promptly bounced off the wall and flew back landing on a section of new plants.

"Hey!" David growled. "What do you think you're doing!? Stupid rocks for brains!"

"How was that my fault!?"

The two continued arguing while Kit and Lucas heisitently wandered towards Inmo, seeing as he had just gotten out of the hospital wing and hadn't stood.

"Inmo?" Kit called.

"Hey" Lucas trailed off as he stared at the small figure in shock.

Where Inmo had previously landed now lay a small lavender haired toddler, sitting unconscious in a pair of far to big pants.

"What the heck!?" Kit yelped, grabbing the other two's attention.

David turned and glared before his face lost colour. "Tell me that's not where Inmo landed!"

"What of it?" Mario asked confused at the sudden change in tone.

"That plant's a new one that I was gifted recently by one of the town's folk. They said the pollen can do strange things to- Lucas no!"

Not thinking Lucus had stepped into the flowers to pick up little Inmo. He grabbed the toddler and stepped free of the plants when he suddenly got very dizzy. He quickly passed Inmo to Kit before he collapsed on to the ground.

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