Joining Grimshade

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A/N: This is an au I thought of where all the guild masters are genderbent so yeah.

Colin slowly opened his eyes and immediately he yelped and fell off the table(?) he was laid on in shock. A very large man with intimidating red eyes stood over him looking down at him curiously.

"He's awake!" The man called over his shoulder and took a step away from the startled dragon slayer.

Looking past the man he could see multiple other people. An odd man with blue hair and half his skin was pitch black. Another guy in a suit with purple hair. As well as a more normal looking guy with black hair and green eyes.

"Uhh…" He stammered. "Where am I?" He finally managed to ask as the others moved towards him and the large man.

"You're at Grimshade's guild hall." The suit guy said casually. Despite his flippant tone Colin watched as he left his hand on the hilt off a silver gun, not dropping his guard.


"Tch!" The other dragon slayer (Colin was sure that he was a dragon slayer. The scent was a dead give away.) scoffed. "Doesn't even know about us and the boss still…!"

"Calm down," the green eyed man laughed, "I mean, guild leader, remember? Boss knows what's up."

"Sometimes I doubt that."

"Anyways!" The large guy cut in again. "You're at Grimshade. Ya'know best guild in Atlantide."

Colin frowned. "Isn't that the assassin's guild?"

"Yeah. Problem?"

"Nope!" Colin threw his hands up in defense at the dragon slayer's glare. "No problem! As a matter of fact, how about I just go? I'll, uh, get out of your way."

He stood quickly to do so but before he could move, he found himself being shoved into a seat.

"Nuh uh, I don't think so. Boss wants to speak with you. But seeing as we'll have to wait for that, I guess we'll introduce ourselves. I'm Bren. I'm second in command here and I have beast slayer magic. Oh I'm also S rank."

"I'm Seek." The green eyed guy went next. I have ice make magic and I'm a B rank wizard."

The gun guy stepped forward. "My codename is Trigger Finger. Real name is Patrick O'Connor. Next time you hear my full name will be the last time you breath."

"Mitch. Poison dragon slayer and SS class. Codename Viper. Word of advice. You wanna live? Then don't get my bad side." 

Colin stared dumbly for a moment before Pat waved a hand at him.

"It's customary to introduce yourself after someone does so to you."

"Oh! I'm Colin. Uh shadow dragon slayer. So uh why am I here?"

"Like I said," Bren answered, "the boss wants to speak to you."

"Boss being your guild leader?" He asked hesitantly. He'd heard rumors about the leader of Grimshade and they were terrifying. He wasn't sure he wanted to meet the guy. In fact he was quite sure he doesn't.

"Yep." Seek said.

Colin felt his heart sink. "Where is-?" He started but was cut off by Mitch.

"Out making sure you don't end up being killed for the bounty on your head. Which for the record I was perfectly content collecting."

The others ignored him.

They all sat in silence for about a half hour as they waited. Seek had tried to talk with Colin but he was too busy feeling queasy at the thought of what was going to happen next. Bren had started drinking and Pat and Mitch were sat by each other talking lowly.

This continued until Colin abruptly jumped up and groaned. "I can't take it! Where is he?!"

He got blank stares.

"Who are you talking about?" Mitch raised an eyebrow at the stressed boy.

"...The guild leader..?" Colin frowned feeling like he'd messed up somehow.

Silence reigned before Bren burst into laughter, Seek close behind. Mitch cackled as Pat smirked, both eyeing him with visible humor.

"What are you all-?" Colin himself off at the sudden disturbance in the shadows. He watched as they surrounded the bar and faded away to show a… small woman who looked as though she hadn't slept in years? What?

"Hello." She greeted him. "I'm assuming that the others introduced themselves right?" He numbly nodded. "Ah, good, good. Well I'm Mia, the guild master of Grimshade. I'm a shadow God slayer which is a perfect match for your own magic. I'm also your new guild leader."

That's what they were laughing at. "Oh. Wait, my new guild master!?"

"Well if you don't want to die then yeah." She shrugged. "If you'd prefer I rip your soul from your body I could do that too."

"Oh… Okay I guess…"

A/N: yeah so that was a lot of fun too write and I'll probably write more for this au.

Also I know that's not how that went down but shush. Creative liberties and all that. Plus not proof read cause I'm tired so yeah.

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