Aftermath of Abduction

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Brandon woke with a start, sitting up and trembling. glancing over he relaxed slightly as he saw Ritchie sleeping next to him. He gasped quietly trying to fight back his panic without disturbing his brother. It had been about a week since he'd woken up after the ordeal and he hadn't had a full night since. Ritchie hadn't either and he was tired of making him suffer just because he couldn't forget. The nightmare he had mainly consisted of an alternative version of himself torturing him. He didn't know why but all he could guess was that his torturers words effected him more than he knew and that he was blaming himself for the incident.

After all he'd never managed to see him.

This train of thought lead him to refocusing in on the events of his dream and causing any sense of clarity or calmness that had returned was gone. he dragged his knees up to his chest and breathed heavily, still trying to remain quiet even if he couldn't quite breath. He felt tears fall down his face as he buried his face in his knees. His chest hurt and his panic rose as he realized there was no way he was calming down after the dream. He struggled with himself.

Should he wake his brother?

It seemed he didn't get a choice as Ritchie, as though able to sense his twins distress, was stirring. He shot up the minute the sounds he was hearing registered. He turned and wrapped an arm around Brandon.

"You're okay, brother. It's fine. You're fine." He said calmly. This had become a routine for them. "Don't worry. You're safe."

Ritchie had one hand rubbing up and down his twins back as he spoke. He was frustrated, not that he would ever tell Brandon that. He was tired and angry. Tired because he hadn't slept for a full night in a while, both due to Brandon's nightmares and because Ritchie could sleep while Brandon was unconscious recovering. Angry because his brother was suffering and he couldn't do anything about it. Not to mention they hadn't even caught the guy. (He hadn't told Brandon that yet, but he was pretty sure his brother knew.)

"Come on brother, I need you to breathe for me." He murmured. "In, out, in, and out."

Slowly but surely Brandon got his breathing under control and once no longer in danger of passing out he sighed frustrated.

"Sorry." He sighed, leaning his head on Ritchie's shoulder.

"What are you apologizing for?" He asked pulling him closer.

"I woke you up. You shouldn't have to suffer just because I can't grow up and get over this and..."

"Hey!" Ritchie scowled. "Don't say that! This is normal. It'll take time for you to get over this."

Brandon shook his head slightly. "If I were a normal person maybe. But I'm a guild leader. I shouldn't be acting like this. I shouldn't have been caught in the first place I..."

Ritchie stared at him, mouth hanging open in shock. "You're not being serious..?" He shook his head in disbelief. "Brother let me ask you, if Bri were captured and... hurt, like you were," they still avoided the "T" word as saying it was the easiest way to send Brandon (and Ritchie in all honesty) into a panic attack, "would you suggest that she be over it by now?"

"Well, I suppose not..."

"What about Michael?"


"Or even Silver?"

Brandon sighed. "You've made your point. No, I wouldn't. So I suppose I shouldn't hold myself to that standard either?"

"See you got it!" Ritchie smiled softly as he kissed his brother's forehead. "Do you wanna try and sleep some more? Tomorrow- er, today now I guess, is a big day after all. You're gonna return to the guild. They've been super excited to see you. And I know they mean well but they can be a bit much. You might wanna rest more."

Brandon shook his head. "No I think I'll just read or something."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. You can go ahead back to sleep." At Ritchie's frown he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on brother. Sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up. Brandon stood and walked across the room grabbed a book with a dramatic gesture to his twin before heading back to the bed and sitting.

He winced as he sat and carefully shifted his leg. It was still sore and he had a slight limp when he walked. He ignored Ritchie's glare and laid back opening his book. He made a show of focusing on the book and carefully turning the pages. Ritchie huffed but eventually laid back down to sleep a little longer. Once he was sure Ritchie was asleep Brandon looked at him and sighed. 

His recovery wasn't easy. Both the physical and mental scars were going to last for a while, but with his brother and his guild (his family) by his side he couldn't help but think that he'd make it through fine. He smiled softly, running his hand through Ritchie's hair.

"Sleep well, brother... You need it as much as me."

A/N: I did it!! I never thought I was gonna be able to finish this if I'm honest. I had most of it already typed up but I couldn't figure out how I wanted it to end or how long it would be. So I cut it off here. 

Also I feel like even if Brandon was suffering he'd still put Ritchie before himself and vise versa lol. I also think I need more cute and fluffy twins in my life especially after the final episode lol. Any way peace!

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