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"The subscriber you are calling is currently not available, please try your call again later… The subscriber you are calling is currently not available…"

'New, answer your phone!' Tay shouted, 'I'm tired of calling you back.'

The week passed quickly for the others, but not for Tay.
He called New on the second day after the last day, when they saw each other, and he couldn't contact the younger guy for three days.

Tay wanted to stay in bed, but his stomach rumbled. He scratched the head and looked at the floor - the shirt and jeans that he wore two days ago, socks, probably from last week.

Okay, something went wrong. All year Tay was sure that in his house there are little fairies, who wash his clothes, clean his apartment, repair everything that needs to be fixed.
But Tay didn't even think that this was just one big fairy named New.

Overcoming his laziness, the guy got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
Water pleasantly cooled the skin, finally driving away the last dreams.
Tay poured a deliciously smelling pink liquid onto his palm and first of all put his hands to calm the morning erection.

'Damn …' he said irritably, touching the wet fabric, 'no…' he sighed and pulled off his wet underwear, 'it looks like my bad luck is coming back.'

Tay knew from childhood what bad luck is. As soon as everyone began to tell him what was good and what was bad.
And everything was bad - Tay's clumsiness and dreaminess, his slowness and distraction, his naive desire to tell only the truth. And as a result - total failure.

There were many episodes in his life, from which he was ashamed, he felt  pain, some of them he doesn't even remember now. The boy often hearing insulting words directed at him, "loser, clumsy, ridiculous, weird".

He remembered very well the most vivid episode that changed his life.
It was spring. Tay had to sit in class and study, but he didn't want to. He often ran away from classes because he wanted to play football with his classmates or lie on a green grass, listening to the birds and thinking about the future. 

Tay walked down the hall, ignoring the school walls around. He looked out the window and saw a sky with floating clouds. The little boy walked as usual, feeling the hard floor under his feet.
But after a couple of seconds, the world turned upside down - Tay fell from the stairs. After the first fall, there were only two bruises and several abrasions on his body.

After a couple of days, he became interested in reading a book about traveling to distant lands and simply didn't pay attention to the world around him.
His second fall from the stairs was accompanied by a laugh of classmates and offensive words. His body got another dozen bruises.

The third incident was the most painful. Tay still sometimes has nightmares about how someone's fist touches his back.
The third time he fell down the stairs because someone pushed him in the back.
Sometimes kids are more cruel than adults. Tay was an outcast and a loser.

Lying in a hospital with the broken leg, the boy listened to sighs of frustration and pity from his parents. His wise grandmother said that bad luck will haunt this unfortunate child for the rest of his life.
The little boy thought, thought, and began to realize that he must become perfect. He must control his every action, every word, movement, wave of his hand and even thought. He must become a strong person who keeps everything under control.

The little clumsy boy became the perfect guy.
Tay is the best university student. He is caring for the younger and respects the elders. He has a lot of acquaintances, a lot of admirers.

Sometimes the mask of his ideality fell off, because it was very energy-intensive to constantly keep himself under complete control. And if you are next to Tay at that moment, then "Welcome to the world of bad luck."

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