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New made the decision without painful thoughts and weighing all "yes" and "no."
In the morning he opened the eyes with confidence that today he will return to his apartment and will live as before. Look at Tay, admire his perfection and beauty, jerk off on his photos, which he was able to take in a short time when they were a couple.

New packed up his things and tried to understand why he gave up so quickly. He knew that there could be difficulties, and from the very beginning of their relationship was ready to overcome them.
Disagreements and misunderstandings often appear at the very beginning, when two people try to get used to each other, accept or not accept the difference between the other person and himself. Then love comes into play, which has tied two self-sufficient human beings in a strong knot. Love smooths out all the corners and bumps.

"But there is no love", New thought, trying to put jeans in his bag. After a couple of minutes of unsuccessful attempts, he angrily threw annoying clothes on the floor. When he looked closer, he realized that it was not his jeans, but Tay's. He took a deep breath, sat on the floor and laid the hands on the head. He tried to remain calm, to give rational reasons for the situation. He knew that Tay didn't love him. Accusing him of being cold and inattentive is completely wrong. Tay tried to be in a relationship, and New should be grateful for that.

But why he was running away, without even explaining, New didn't know.
Perhaps Tay could convince him to stay, which wouldn't change the situation, but only prolong the agony. So, collecting his things, the guy slipped as quietly as possible through the living room into the corridor and was noticed by Off and Gun. But the guys were busy with each other and, fortunately, didn't ask too many questions.

When New entered his apartment, he felt empty. There are no more Off and Gun who kissed and hugged in front of him every minute, there is no longer Tay's happy laugh, only silence, which meant loneliness.

He wrote several versions of the message, but sent Tay the most neutral and less emotional.

"I don’t think we can be a couple. You're a very good friend."

He pressed the send button and turned off the phone. Tomorrow he will listen to everything that Tay wants to say, but not now.
Right now, smiling stupidly, he opened a large box of ice cream, which was stored specifically for this occasion. All he needs is to eat a lot of sweets, complain about fate, be a little sad and try to live happily ever after.


After reading the message from New, Tay lost all hope that the guy would return to him. In this situation, he relied on the help of his friends. Unlike him, they understand what it means to be in love.

He somehow survived the night and early in the morning went to his friends' room, pulled off a blanket from a sweetly sleeping couple.

'Get up! We have a lot to do today!'

Gun unwillingly opened one eye, saw energetic Tay in front of him, rolled over on the other side and after a couple of seconds fell asleep. Off hugged his beloved, pressed against his bare back and, apparently, also fell asleep.

'Guys, I'm serious. I need help,' Tay said calmly.

'First, make us breakfast ... then I will think about it,' Gun muttered.

'I'm already cooking,' Tay said joyfully and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.

'I think Tay will do everything you tell him,' Off said, moving his tongue slowly.

'Yeah, he is very easy to manage. You need to know what to say, with what intonation. And if I want, he will jump on one leg around me.'

'It turns out you are a good manipulator,' he bit the boy’s ear, 'are you doing the same with me?'

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