Chapter 1- Show time, a-holes!

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  The Guardians we're hired to destroy a giant beast and protect the Sovereign's batteries. They are at their power station, where the beast is supposed to come out of a huge dimensional crack in the sky.

"Showtime, a-holes! It'll be here any minute!" Peter informed looking at his tracker.

"Which will be its loss" Gamora replied as she loaded her rifle, Peter turned and notice the gun in her hand.

"I thought your thing was a sword."

"We've been hired to stop an inter-dimensional beast from feeding on those batteries' energy, and I'm going to stop it with a sword?"

"It's just... swords were your thing and guns were mine, but... I guess we're both doing guns now. I just didn't know that"

"You do know that everyone of us has or used a gun right?" Iris implied, Peter just rolled his eyes in response. Gamora then notice Drax not in full fighting gear.

"Drax, why aren't you wearing one of Rocket's Aero-Rigs?" She asked

"It hurts." He responded

"Hurts?" Iris asked in confusion.

"I have sensitive nipples." Drax mumbles while looking away in embarrassment, Rocket couldn't help but start laughing.

"Wa-ha-ha-ha! My nipples hurt! Oh, goodness me!" He mocks as he works on a sound system.

"What about him, what's he doing?"

  "I'm finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work."

  "How is that important?"

  "Blame Quill, he's the one who loves music so much!"

  "No, I actually agree with Drax on this, that's hardly important right now." Peter said.

  "Oh, ok, sure Quill" Rocket responded, winking his left eye.

  "No, seriously, I side with Drax."

  "I understand that, your being very serious right now." Continuing to wink his left eye.

  "Babe." Iris said, once she got Rocket's attention she point at her left eye. Letting him know that he was winking the wrong one.

  "Damn, I'm using my left eye?" He asked, Iris nodded. Rocket then then paid attention to baby Groot, who was terrorizing an orloni.

  "I am Groot."

  "They were not looking at you funny." Rocket stated, The Guardians then heard noises up in the sky. They look up and see the dimensional crack dropping a big Abilisk falling right in front of them. "Oh, well that's intense."

  "Sure is." Iris agreed as the Guardians run towards the Abilisk. Meanwhile Groot plugs in the cords to the sound system, once the music starts playing Groot began to dance. While Peter was shooting at the Abilisk he notice Groot not far from him.

  "Groot" He got hit by one the Abilisk tentacles. As Groot continues dancing in front of the battle, Gamora noticed him.

  "Groot, get out of the way your going to get hurt!" She yelled. But instead of moving, Groot waves at Gamora. "Hi" as she flies back in the battle. As Groot danced Drax falls down next to him and every time he looks at Groot he stops dancing. A fly flies around Groot's face he started to chase after it, once caught it he puts it in his mouth

  "No, no! Spit it out! Come on!" Rocket demanded as he forcefully removes the fly out of Groot's mouth. "That's disgusting" as he flies back in the battle. Groot manage to find the Orloni from earlier and hops on top and rides it around the battle.

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