Chapter 5- New Leader of the Ravagers

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  While the arrow was still facing Iris and Rocket, Yondu and his crew waltzes out of tress and circles them so they won't escape. As the couple raises their hands to surrender, Yondu walks up to them with a grin in his face.

  "Hey there, rat and beauty." He greeted.

  "How's it going, you blue idiot?" Rocket greeted sarcastically.

  "Not so bad! We got ourselves a pretty good little gig here! This golden gal with quite a high opinion of herself has offered us a large sum to deliver you two and your pals over to her, because she wants to kill y'all." All the Ravagers laugh. "I tell you, it was pretty easy to find you. I put a tracer on your ship back there... during the war over Xandar."

  "We will tell you where the batteries are." Rocket said, trying to corporate with him.

  "But give us your word that you won't hurt Groot." Iris added. Yondu starts chuckling, Iris look at him in confusion.

  "Lucky for you, my word don't mean squat. Otherwise, I'd actually hand you over." He replied. Iris, Rocket, and Yondu's crew were confused.

  "Otherwise, you'd what?" A monstrous ravager asked, Yondu scowls at him.

  "We'll take them batteries. They're worth what? A quarter mill on the open market?"

  "That Priestess offered us a million! A quarter is only... one-third of that!"

  "A quarter ain't a third."

  "A quarter is 25." Another ravager intervene, Yondu shakes his head in disbelief.

  "No." He said.

  "We can't even buy a pair of boots with 25 units."

  "Enough! The point is, we ain't stupid enough to help kill the Guardians of the Galaxy! The whole dang Nova Corps would be on us."

  "That ain't right." Kraglin said getting Yondu's attention. "I just gotta say it this one time, Cap'n... No matter how many times Quill betrays you, you protect him like none of the rest of us much matter!" Almost all the Ravagers cheered and agreed with him.

  "Damn straight, lad! He's gone soft. Suppose it's time for a change in leadership!" The monstrous ravager replied as he aims his gun at Yondu. All the Ravagers start agreeing as they cock their guns at each other and Yondu prepares to whistle his arrow; the Ravagers continue to yell and holding their weapons at each other. Leaving Rocket and Iris in the middle.

  "Hold on! There must be some kind of peaceful resolution to this, boys." Iris said, trying to calm everyone down.

  "Or even a violent one where we are standing over there." Rocket added, point towards the woods. Suddenly, a blast destroys Yondu's control fin, knocking him unconscious. Once Yondu fell the couple sees Nebula aiming at them. She shoots at them, the electricity was strong enough to the point they were knocked out. The ravagers turn to Nebula in surprise.

  "Well, hello boys." She greeted, she takes a bite of a root but after chewing a couple times she quickly spits it out. "It's not ripe."

~Time Skip~

The ravagers took Iris, Rocket, Groot and Yondu back the their ship. While Rocket, Iris, and Yondu was tied to a chair, Groot was in a cage hanged from the ceiling. A few ravagers were screaming and hitting the cage, making Groot terrified. Iris sees a couple a ravagers dragging another ravager ,who was siding with Yondu, across the floor trying to escape. They put him in a cylindrical room, he starts screaming and slamming on the glass door, until the compartment open, causing him to float into space with dozen of other dead ravagers that was loyal to Yondu. Yondu watches this, helplessly. He's in a chair, he's a wreck, his headpiece destroyed, wires hanging from a gap in his head where the fin used to be. He sees the mutineers grab another innocent loyal ravager, Dragging him to the same fate as the last one.

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