Chapter 10- Don't push this button

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   Down below the Self Chamber. Other than Falling of the Chamber Mantis is worried about something else entirely. The chasm began to trembling and the wall start to mutate.

  "He coming." Mantis informed

  "Didn't you say you could make him sleep?" Drax asked.

  "When he wants. He's too powerful. I can't!"

  "You don't have to believe in yourself... because I believe in you." They look ahead. They see, on the enormous wall in front of them, the light form of a giant Ego screaming angrily. His scream becomes a tunnel of rocks rushing  towards them like a train. Mantis sees a nerve bundle on the ground coming from Ego's Core. Although afraid, she grabs it.

  "Sleep!" She screams. The light leaves the rock formation and it slams into the ground in front of them, slashing dirt over them. But they are safe, shivering. Drax and Gamora look at each other.

  "I never thought she'd be able to do it... with as weak and skinny as she appears to be." Drax mumbled.

  "I don't know how I can hold him!"

  "You have to." Gamora said. "If you don't keep Ego at bay we all die."

   Meanwhile with the couple, Peter, and Groot. reached the the opening of the blast hole from the lasers earlier. Rocket shines a powerful pen light inside the cavity, exposing the interior, spattered with Swiss-cheese-like holes glowing with light.

  "The metal's too thick. For the bomb to work, we'd actually need to place it on Ego's core. And our fat butts ain't gonna fit through those tiny holes." Rocket argued.

  "Well.." Peter whined. slowly eying Groot, who is playing with a leaf on his arm.

  "That's a terrible idea."

  "As much as I hate to say it but Peter is right. I don't see other options." Iris shrugged, agreeing with Peter. Rocket sighs. He puts Groot on his back. Iris puts her arm on his shoulder to make him turn and face her. She got down on one knee to his level. "Make sure you come back in one piece."

  "You too." He replied, Rocket put one of his hands on her cheek. He leaned and tilt his head to press his lips against hers. Iris wasn't expecting it, but she close her eyes and kissed back. They were distracted by the kiss to focus on the mission or their surrounds.

  "Hate to break the moment but we got to get moving." Peter jumped in. Rocket groaned in frustration and begins to walk in the core.

  "Unbelievable. "Rocket, do this. Rocket, do that." He mumbled to himself. He was loud enough for Peter and Iris to hear.

  "He's an ass." Peter commented.

  "Yea but he's my ass." Iris chuckled. The two then flies back in battle to shoot envoys. In the blast hole Rocket places a tiny bomb in front of Groot. It is a small, simple device with two switches and two buttons.

"Alright, first you flip this switch, then this one. That activates it." He explains, pointing to the switches. "Then you push this button, which will give you five minutes to get outta there. Now, whatever you do, don't push this button, because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead." Pointing at the buttons. "Now, repeat back what I just said."

"I am Groot." Pointing at the first switch.

"Uh huh."

"I am Groot." Pointing at the second switch.

"That's right..."

"I am Groot." Pointing at the death button.

"No! No, that's the button that will kill everyone! Try again."

"I am Groot." Pointing the first switch.


"I am Groot." Pointing at the second switch.

"Uh huh."

"I am Groot." Point to the death button again.

"No! That's exactly what you just said, how's that even possible?! Which button is the one you're supposed to push? Point to it." Groot points at the death button for the third time. "No!"

"Hey, you're making him nervous!" Peter yells. Rocket turns to see him at the end of the hole shooting envoys.

"Shut up and give me some tape!" He snaps. "Does anyone have any tape out there?! I wanna put some tape over the death button"

"I don't have any tape! Lemme check!" Quill disappears from the hole. As Rocket waits, he hears amongst the chaos, faintly. "Yo, Yondu! Do you have any tape?" As Rocket waits he hears explosions in the background. "Gamora! Do you have any tape! Ah never mind!" Rocket still waiting, while Groot is playing with the wires from the bomb. "Drax! Do you have any tape?!... Yeah! Scotch tape would work!... Then why would you ask me if scotch tape would work, if you don't have any?!" Rocket began to become impatient , he crossed his arms and did a frustrating sigh. "Iris! Do you have any tape!? Your boyfriend needs it... I know he should be the one to have tape but he doesn't have any with him!" Few seconds later Peter comes back to the front of the blast hole. "No one has tape."

"Not a single person has tape?!" Rocket asked.


"Did you ask Nebula?" Peter paused and had to think for a momment.


"Are you sure?"

"I asked Yondu, and she was standing right next to him!"

"I knew you were lying!"

"You have priceless batteries and an atomic bomb in your bag! Iris said if anyone had tape it would be you!"

"That's exactly my point! I have to do everything!"

"You are wasting a lot of time here!" Rocket turns back to Groot, who has already taken the bomb and is heading towards the hole. He smiles brightly as he hops into the hole and slides down as if on a water slide. Rocket, heavy-lidded, watches him go.

"Were all gonna die." He mumbles.


Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted it to mainly focus on this scene because this was one of favorites from the movie 🤣. Hope you guys are doing well, stay safe and stay awesome!

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