Chapter 2- A Bad Landing

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  Once everyone got on the Milano, Rocket gets in the pilot seat and gets ready to start the ship.

  "All right, let's get baldy to Xandar and collect that bounty." Rocket cheered as the ship begins to take off. Rocket then notice Iris sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking down. "Still upset from what the High Priestess said about your family?"

"A little, I mean, I still can't believe she said that. She didn't really know them that well so she didn't have the right to say her opinion." She replied as she crossed her arms, Rocket then put his hand on her leg to help her relax.

"If your family was here, I think they would be proud of you." She looks back at Rocket and smiled.

  "You really think so?"

  "Yes, your family would have been there for you no matter what you do."

"Thanks. And I'm glad that you made that comment to them back there." She chuckled

"Anything for you." The two then lean in for kiss, once they broke the kiss they see Groot climbing between them. "What is it Groot?"

"I am Groot."

"He says he wants some candy." Rocket said.

"I'll go see if we have some." Iris insisted, she got up from the seat and went down the stairs to the living area. Meanwhile Peter and Gamora were down at the living area, Peter was changing shirts and Gamora was putting Nebula in handcuffs.

  "That stuff about my father... And she said stuff about Iris's family too. Who does she think she is?" Peter said upsetting

  "Iris is strong to handle stuff like that. But I know you're sensitive about that." Gamora replies.

  "I'm not sensitive about it. I just don't know who he is. Sorry if it seemed like I was flirting with the High Priestess. I wasn't."

  "I don't care if you were." Gamora walks off, taking Nebula with her.

  "Well, I feel like you do care. That's why I'm apologizing. So, sorry!"

  "Gamora is not the one for you, Quill." Drax said, Peter jumped and see Drax behind him.

  "Damn shadow." Peter said, startled.

  "Talking about Peter and Gamora?" Iris asked, walking towards them. Drax nodded. "I definitely want to here this."

  "There are two types of beings in the universe... those who dance, and those who do not." Drax exclaimed.

  "Mmm-hmm." Peter replied, not being interested.

  "I first met my beloved at a war rally."

  "Oh, God"

  "Everyone in the village flailed about, dancing. Except one woman. My Ovette. I knew immediately she was the one for me. The most melodic song in the world could be playing. She wouldn't even tap her foot. Wouldn't move a muscle. One might assume she was dead."

  "That does sound pretty hot."

  "It would make my nether regions engorge."

  "Drax, a little to much information." Iris commented.

  "And I also get it, yes. I'm a dancer, Gamora is not." Peter exclaimed.

  "You just need to find a woman who is pathetic... like you. Just like Iris and Rocket" as Drax points at Iris.

  "That reminds me that day when we all found out about you two dating." Peter chuckled.

  "Oh god, please no." Iris groaned as she puts her hands on her face.

Heart of a Saint, Life of a Sinner Vol 2| Rocket Raccoon x OcWhere stories live. Discover now