Chapter 9- Saving the Galaxy...Again

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  Meanwhile, Gamora, Drax, Nebula, and Mantis head to the Ego's temple to find Peter. As they move Gamora hears her transmitter going of. She quickly grabs it and answers it

"Iris, are you and Rocket okay?" She asked.

"We're okay, keep that transmitter nearby so we can find you. We're with Yondu in his old laser drill he once's used to open the Bank of A'askavaria." Iris explained.

  "Ego's unhinged."

  "We know. Get ready" Rocket said in the background. Iris and Gamora hanged up their transmitter. Back in the quadrant. Iris, Rocket, Yondu, and Groot went down in the laser drill.

  "Drop it Kraglin!" Yondu ordered. Kraglin pulls a lever dropping the laser drill from the quadrant.

"I got a plan." Rocket announced.

"What is it?" Yondu asked.

"It's pretty simple."

"I don't like where this is going." Iris said worried.

With Peter, trapped by a tentacle. Ego calmly walk up to him and snatches Peter's Walkman from his belt. He presses play, playing a distorted version of "Brandy"

"My life, my love. My lady is the sea, Peter... this is the sea." Ego stated as he crushes the Walkman in his grip, Peter watched helplessly. The tentacle inside of Peter began to surge the power from him. Ego summons all his energy, when suddenly, a door beside him smashes apart. Drax has kicked through it and Gamora, Nebula and Mantis are with him. Ego turns to see them, then hears a rumbling above him. He turns to look at a window on the palace wall behind him.

"Hey there, jackass!" Yondu shouted. Ego looked surprised, the laser drill lands on Ego, squishing him.. the tentacle reacts from Quill and falls and heaves for breath. Drax, Gamora, Nebula, and Mantis rush into the crumbling palace. The door on the side of the laser drill slides open. Reveling Iris standing at the edge.

"Get in quickly!" Iris yelled. Drax, Mantis, Gamora, and Quill step inside the door.

"What are you doing? You could've killed us all!" Drax yelled at Rocket.

"Uh... "Thank you, Rocket"?" He responded.

"We had it under control."

"I'm sure you did, Drax" Iris said sarcastically.

"That is only an extension... of his true self. He will be back soon." Mantis informed. Peter than notice that Nebula was inside with them

"What's Smurfette doing here?" He asked.

"Whatever I need to get a ride home." She hissed back.

"She tried to murder me and Iris!" Rocket pointed at Nebula.

"I saved you two, stupid fox!"

"He is not a fox!" Iris snapped.

"I am Groot."

"I'm not a raboon either." Rocket responded.

"I am Groot."

" "raccoon" whatever." Drax looks out the window. Tentacle like strands burst up through the palace flooring all around the drill. Drax turns to the others

"How do we kill a Celestial?" He asked

  "There's a center to him. His brain, his soul, whatever it is... Some sort of protective shell." Peter said, trying to explain.

  "It's in the caverns... below the surface." Mantis added. Peter climbs up the ladder to see Yondu flying the drill.

  "Yondu?!" Peter said surprised. Yondu thrusts the ship upward for takeoff. But tentacles wrap around the ship and yank it back down into the floor, destroying the foundation of the place. Everyone falls forward.

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