Chaper 11- Vs Ego

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   With Peter and Iris. They look up and see the laser drill being surrounded by envoys. They also look and see a few envoys heading towards Drax, Mantis, and Gamora.

  "Go help Gamora and them. I'll help Yondu." Peter ordered. Iris nodded and flies over to them. Peter flies up into the laser drill. He turns and see an envoy with Priestess Ayesha controlling it.

  "Guardians! Perhaps it will provide you solace that your deaths are not without purpose. They will serve as a warning. to all of those tempted with betraying us. Don't screw with the Sovereign." She announced, her and all the envoys began blasting. Nebula quickly connecting the wires from the laser into her Mechanical arm. Yondu works on some switches: the lasers slide back into the slots all over the ships.

  "This is gonna hurt." Yondu warned.

  "Promises, promises." Nebula replied. Yondu flips all the switches; all the power runs painfully out of Nebula's body into the laser drill. All the laser beam out of the ship in all directions at once. like a dangerous disco ball, slicing through almost nearly every single envoy. Meanwhile down below Iris kept shooting in the air at the envoys surrounding Mantis, Drax, and Gamora. When suddenly a laser came and destroyed them. Almost hitting Drax at the process. Gamora looks up and see the laser Drill explode with Yondu, Peter, and Nebula still inside.

  "Peter, no!" She shouted. She sees a tiny body flying from the ship, it's Nebula, who Lands across from her on her feet. Gamora looks at her, worried. Nebula gives her what might be a little smile, and looks upward. Gamora follows her line to see Peter flying from the explosion on his aero-rig. Yondu is holding onto a flying arrow: his one arm up straight, his heels touching. Peter looks at him and snickers.

  "What?" Yondu asked.

  "You look like Mary Poppins." Peter chuckled.

  "Is he cool?" Peter gave him a big grin.

  "Hell yeah, he's cool."

  "I'm Mary Poppins y'all!" The two then land next to Nebula, Mantis, Drax, and Gamora. Rocket and Iris then flies on their aero-rigs towards the group. They looks at their surrounding, seeing fiery ship fragments raining down around them. Suddenly a huge chunk of the ship flies towards and hits Mantis on the side of face, knocking her out unconscious. Everyone looks down on her in shock.

  "Mantis, look out!" Drax yelled.

  "Really good timing Drax!" Iris shouted sarcastically. Now that Mantis lost hold of Ego. The entire hollow around them begins to rumble. The ground and the walls themselves shift and weaver. "Baby, how long before the bomb goes off?"

  "In the unlikely event that Groot doesn't kill us all. About six minutes." Rocket answered. Yondu leans his head towards his comm on his lapel

  "Kraglin, we need the quadrant for an extraction. T-minus five minutes." He informed.

  "Aye, Captain." He said back through the comm. The group peer up to see the surface of the planet unfolding above them, so that the bright sky shines through.

  "Somebody's gotta be up top when Kraglin arrives. Drax, take Mantis." Peter ordered. Drax nods while he picks up Mantis. Peter grabs the aero-rig off himself and slaps it on Drax's back, which automatically wraps around his upper body.

  "Ah my nipples!" Drax yelped as him and Mantis flies up the the surface. The ground around them splits into enormous cracks. Gamora and Nebula sees a crack in the earth rushing towards them. They tried to get over it to reach the others but it was to late. The sister falls down in the crack.

  "Gamora!" Peter yelled worried.

  "I'm going after them!" Iris volunteered.

  "Be careful babe!" Rocket yelled. Iris nodded and flies down after them. Down with Gamora and Nebula, plummeting seemingly to their death. They look over and see Iris flying towards them. She grabs the sisters's hands. Iris holding Gamora's hand in one arm, Nebula with the other.

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