Chapter 7- Ravager Escape (Part 2)

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   As Yondu sits on a chair to let Rocket prepare his new prototype fin. Iris gets up and grabs her original clothes Kraglin left her.

   "While we wait, I'm going to go ahead and change. Lord knows I'm not keeping this on." She said as she walk to another area of the cell.

   "So rat, how long have you and her been a thing?" Yondu asked.

   "Since the battle in Xandar." Rocket answered.

  "Love at first sight huh?"

   "Yea, when we all met. She was the only one that didn't judge me by appearance. And after getting to know each other, I knew she was the one."

   "The High Priestess told me a little about her background. Is it true that she is an actual princess?"

   "Yea, and she doesn't like to be called one, which is why she head butted that ugly asshole."

   "So let me get this straight, she would rather give up being a ruler and be rich. To be a guardian?"

   "Yes, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Cause we are family." Iris replied. The boys look back at her in shock that she was listening to the conversation. "Babe, you about done with the fin?"

   "Yea and Kraglin should be ready too. Get ready."

~Time Skip~

Right on cue, Kraglin started playing music Through the intercoms. Few seconds later two ravagers came and opened the cell, walked in, and aimed there guns. Yondu then whistled and his arrow started flying and pierced through their chest before returning to Yondu's hand. When they dropped to the ground they walked over the bodies, but Iris and Rocket stoped to grab their guns.

Yondu was killing every ravager that was in their path through the hallways. Once they made it to the docking bay. Ravagers noticed them from above.

"Down there!" One of them shouted. Yondu began to whistle piercing every Ravager in the bay. Every one of them falling down to the abyss like rain. Groot then notice one ravager looking down at him. He runs in terror as Groot grows branches to pull himself up behind him Groot howls furiously, taking chase. The ravager yowls like a child as he frantically runs. Groot grows his branches around his legs, making the ravager fall face first to the floor. With a war cry Groot flings the ravager off the edge towards the abyss below. As he falls past Yondu, Rocket, and Iris, Groot Drops back down onto Rocket's shoulder, and they push their way through a doorway.

    As they enter the security dock, dozens of monitors encircling them showing ravagers filing towards them from every part of the ship. Yondu whistles as he watches the monitors. The arrow flies all around the ship killing Ravagers and smashing all the lights. Rocket and Iris looks at each other and smirked, agreeing to join in on the action. The couple uses the monitors to pinpoint where the ravagers are. They both methodically shoot through the walls, striking the ravagers as they got closer.

   Yondu then stops whistling, seeing something on one of the monitors. Taserface, clutching his big ass gun, marching down the hall towards him. Yondu took a deep breath, then he whistled loudly and angrily. Taserface sees the arrow coming towards him and dodges it. He turns to watch it go, crackling pridefully over his agility. But then his smile disappeared. Yondu's arrow plunged into a giant gas tank, causing a huge explosion. Rocket and Iris look at the monitors, seeing the explosion spreading throughout the ship.

  "You maniac. The whole ship is gonna blow." Rocket said.

"Not the whole ship." Yondu replied as he catches his arrow. They met Kraglin the flight deck, once they entered Kraglin began pulling latches and switches. "Release the quadrant."

  "Aye Capn' " Kraglin answered, as he pull the final latch. The quadrant now released, leaving behind the rest of the ship. "Where to Capn'?"

  "Ego" Rocket said, as sets the destination to Ego's planet.

  "No, boy!" Yondu yelled. The quadrant trembles as they now begin to go through jumps. Everyone was holding life as the ship violently shacks. "It ain't healthy for a mammalian body to hop more than 50 jumps at a time."

  "I know that."

  "Rocket, we are about to do 700!" Iris shouted. Everyone all started screaming as the speed of the quadrant increased. Their entire faces and bodies distorting as if some evil funhouse mirror.


I am so sorry for the long wait on this chapter😢. Can't believe it's been almost month since I last updated it. School has been getting a way so much, especially with me being senior and I have 3 months left until I graduate. Hopefully I will have the next chapter ready in a couple of weeks. Until next time 😁

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