Chapter 4- Ambush

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The next morning. Peter, Drax, and Gamora got everything ready to leave with Ego and Mantis. While Rocket and Iris immediately started working repairs on the Milano.

"You're leaving me with that fox?" Nebula asked. Referring to Rocket, Iris gave Nebula a stern look.

"He's not a fox." Gamora said, she looks at Rocket and Iris. "Shoot her if she does anything suspicious. Or if you feel like it"

"Okay." Rocket replied.

"With pleasure." Iris implied. Gamora then notice Groot giving her a sad face expression.

"It'll be just a couple of days. We'll be back before Rocket and Iris finished fixing the ship." She said, Groot gave her a sad smile and wave goodbye.

"What if the Sovereign come?" Drax asked.

"There's no way for them to know we're here. Let's go." Peter answered.

"I'm uncertain about parting ways."

"God, you're like an old women."

"Don't worry Drax, we will be fine." Iris assured, she then notice Drax carrying a lot of luggage. "Why do you have so much luggage?"

"I don't want Groot playing with my things." He said, as he walk towards Ego's ship. As Peter walked passed Iris and Rocket, Rocket turned his head to face him.

"I hope Daddy isn't as big of a dick as you, orphan boy." Iris looked at Rocket in shock. Peter turn around, looks at Rocket, and scoffed.

"What is your goal here? To get everybody to hate you? Because it's working." He said before he turned around and walked towards Ego's ship with Drax and Gamora. As they left Rocket didn't make eye contact, a sad smile came upon his face, showing an unreadable emotion.

"What was that?" Iris asked.

"It was nothing, sweetheart." He replied, avoiding eye contact with her

"The hell that was "nothing" babe, ever since Ronan you haven't been your self."

"What are you talking about? I'm fine!" Iris was shocked by the raise of his voice.

"Alright, you know what? Fine, go ahead and lie to me. I really thought you were at least gonna be honest to me. But Apparently I was wrong." Iris then walk away to work on the other side of the ship. Nebula turn to Rocket in confusion.

  "How did she know you was lying?" She asked.

  "Other then not sounding obvious, she is smart." He said sadly, he quickly lifted his sad expression off his face. "Now be quiet."

  "I am Groot."

  "I know I need to talk to her ,Groot. But she doesn't want to talk to me right now, So drop it." Groot gave he him a sad nod, but he stand up and quietly head to other side of the ship. Once he made it to Iris he sees her sitting down against the ship, with a sad expression. Groot slowly walked up and tug on her jacket to get her attention.

  "Hey sweetie, do you need something?" He shook his head then raise his arms up. Iris picked Groot up and put him on her shoulder.

  "Groot where are you?" Rocket called out. He turn around the corner and sees Iris and Groot. "Groot, how many times. What did I tell about wondering off?" He looks at Iris and gave her a small grin, he stands next to her and lean his back against the ship. Groot then got off of Iris's shoulder and walked away towards Nebula to watch her.

  "Did he plan this?" Iris chuckled.

  "That cheeky little basterd." Rocket chuckled back. He then turns to look at Iris. "I'm really sorry, for yelling and...lying to you."

  "Why did you lie to me?" As she turns to look at Rocket.

  "I didn't want to worry you." He said as he looks down to the ground. Iris put her hand on his cheek and pulled him to make him look at her.

  "Rocket, I'm your girlfriend...If there is something bothering you, it's one of my jobs to help you." She then used her thumb to rub his fur on his cheek. "Now I understand you don't want to talk about right now... But your gonna have to tell me sooner or later." He looks up at her and nodded.

  "Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?" He smiled. Iris then smirked, before she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. As one Iris's hand was still on Rocket's cheek, Rocket moved his hand on her waist, to make her move closer to him. As they were deep into the kiss Iris move both her hands on Rocket's shoulders and leaned her weight against Rocket to lightly land on the ground. Rocket growled, and move Iris over, to make her lay on the ground instead.

  "Since when were you in control?" He smirked.

  "Just wanted to do something different." She then move Rocket over, making him lay on the ground again. "Is it working?" She said seductively.

  "Oh yea. It's definitely working." He then leaned in to Iris ear. "I don't know how long I can stand if you keep this up." He whispered, Iris gave him a smirk.

  "I don't see anyone stoping you." She whispered, Rocket the slowly moved Iris closer, as they were close to go back into the kiss. They were startled by a little baby Groot.

  "I am Groot." The couple quickly got on their knees and wipe the grass and dirt of themselves.

  "Nothing Groot. Go and watch Nebula for us will ya?" Rocket ordered, Groot nodded and returned back to the other side of the ship to watch Nebula. "I should probably set some traps around the perimeter, incase if anyone have any ideas to come near the ship."

  "Yea, your right. Do you need any help?"

  "No I got it covered." He said as he stands up and head to the Milano to get supplies. Iris quickly got up and grab his arm.

"Be careful ok, I love you." She said softly.

"I love you too." He leaned to give her a quick passionate kiss, Iris let go of Rocket's arm. Letting him continue to walk to the Milano.

~Time Skip~

  It was late at night, Rocket went to to the woods to set traps. While Iris watches Nebula and Groot, as Nebula was sleeping, Iris and Groot was listening to Rocket humming to Peter's music through the communicator he lend them. Not a second later they hear gunshots coming from the communicator and from the forest , it quickly woke Nebula up. Iris quickly grabs the communicator and pushed the button to talk to him.

"Rocket, are you ok?" She said worried, but no answer. "Rocket can you hear me?" She turn to see people flying up and falling in the air a few times out in the distance. Iris quickly grabs her gun and looks at Groot.

"Groot, stay here and watch Nebula." She demand as she runs out and head the forest, Once she entered she got her gun ready. After following a trail of knocked out ravagers she finally spots Rocket but with a Ravager in front of him and other one behind him.

"Ain't so tough now without all your toys, are you?" One of the the ravagers said. Rocket jumps on the ravager in front on him and started punching him until he was knocked out. The ravager behind pulls out his gun and aims at rocket. Iris took action quickly and shot him, Rocket turned around and sees Iris walking up to him.

"What are you doing? Your supposed to be watching Groot and Nebula!" He yelled.

"One, thank you sweetheart. And two, Groot is fine, I told him to stay put and you know Nebula isn't going anywhere." She replied

  "You know how Groot is, if he is by himself he is gonna get-" They stop to here light whistling from the distance, whistling then grew louder. Then and arrow appears aiming at back and forth between Iris and Rocket. "Crap."

  Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃 hope you have a good break, and be sure to spend time with your friends and family.

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