Chapter 6- Ravager Escape (Part 1)

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  The ravagers forced Iris and Groot to wear ravager clothing, Groot was in a jumpsuit and Iris was wearing a cropped jacket with a skirt. They also made Iris wear hand cuffs to her hands and legs so she wouldn't put up fight but still enough for her to walk. She was forced to hand out alcoholic beverages to them while they all cheer and celebrate. Iris felt humiliated, she couldn't do anything because she was outnumbered. While she was walking around letting the ravagers grab drinks, she sees a group of ravagers in a circle. She got curious and walk towards them, only to see the them torturing Groot.

  "Hey! Leave him alone!" She yelled, she dropped the plate of beverages and was about to run towards them and grab Groot but she suddenly gets a voltage shock coming from her handcuffs. She screamed in pain while she drops to her knees, the ravagers turned and just laughed at her. Taserface walk up to her and made her stand up. "Please, I will do anything you ask if you leave Groot alone."

Taserface returned with a disgusted smirk in his face, Iris knew this wasn't gonna be good but she would anything to keep Groot and Rocket safe. She was yanked away and forced onto a stand and ordered to dance for them, having no hesitation, she did what she was told.

~Time Skip~

An hour later, a couple of ravagers took Iris to the prison cell Rocket and Yondu are in.

"We enjoyed the show, maybe give us one before you leave." One of them smirked, they then shoved Iris in the cell and close the bars behind her. Rocket immediately rush over her really worried.

"Babe, are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I'm fine. I just felt humiliated." She muttered, Rocket then looked at Yondu in anger.

"Your so called employees are gonna pay for this!" He yelled.

"I was a Kree battle-slave for twenty years when Stakar freed me" Yondu responded. "He offered me a place in the Ravagers. Said all I needed to do was adhere to the code. But I was young and greedy and stupid. like you stealing those batteries."

"That was mostly Drax." Rocket added, he turned and notice Iris was staring at him. "Ok, it wasn't mostly Drax".

"Me and Stakar, and the other captains, we weren't so different from you and your friends. The only family I ever had. But I broke the code. They exiled me. These ones here are the ones who followed, of course they're jerks. Which is what I deserve."

"Slow down, drama queen. You might deserve this, but me and Iris don't. We gotta get out of here" Rocket said while standing up.

"Where's Quill?" Yondu asked.

"He is with his father." Iris answered.

  "Ego?" He gave Iris and Rocket a concerned look. Rocket looks back at him, picking back up the conversation.

  "Yea. It's a day for dumbass names." Rocket answered, Yondu started snickering in response. "You smiled and for a second I got a warm feeling, but then it was ruined by those disgusting ass teeth. Ever heard of floss?"

  "Was that really necessary?" Iris scold, Rocket just shrugged.

  "You're like a professional asshole or what?" Yondu asked.

  "Pretty much Like a pro." Rocket said proudly.

  "Why didn't you deliver Quill to Ego like you promised?" Iris asked.

  "He was skinny, could fit into places we couldn't. Good for thieving." Yondu responded, Rocket and Iris nodded. "I got an idea on how to get outta here. But we're gonna need your little friend." Iris then look the bars and see Groot on the other side, in the shadows, moping down the hallway, looking traumatized. His clothes are torn and he's soaked in alcohol.

  "Hey, twig. C'mere." Yondu whispered, Groot turns and walks towards them.

  "Oh, mam. What'd they do to you?" Rocket said sadly.

"Groot, I'm so sorry." Iris apologized.

"Hey, you wanna help us get outta here?" Yondu asked. Groot nods, lifting his spirits up a little bit Rocket and Iris looks and each other unsure about it. "There is something I need you to get, and bring back to me. In the Cap'n's quarters, there's a prototype fin, like the thing I wore on my head. There's a drawer next to the bunk. It's inside that. It's red. You got it?" Groot nods emphatically and rushes off. Yondu looks at Iris and Rocket, pleased but the couple looks uncertain. Few minutes later Groot comes back with a pair of men's boxers.

"That's my underwears." Yondu said

"Yeah we was pretty sure he didn't know what you were talking about." Rocket stated.

"You have to explain it more carefully." Iris added.

"Alright." Yondu sighed, he looks at Groot attempting to explain it again. "It's a prototype fin." Moments later Groot comes back with a orloni struggling to break free from his grip.

"That's an orloni." Rocket said a frustrated.

"Groot sweetie, it's a fin." Iris said firmly.

"How about you two explain it this time." Yondu suggested. After Iris and Rocket explain to Groot for the third time. He comes back holding a cybernetic eye.

"That's Vorker's eye, he takes it out when he sleeps." Yondu explains. "Go look again." Groot was about to run of Rocket stopped him.

"But leave the eye here." He said


"He's gonna wake up tomorrow and he's not gonna know where his eye is!" Rocket the started laughing hysterically and banging the floor. After explaining it again, Groot the comes back with a human toe. The three looks at him in shock.

"Tell me you guys have a refrigerator somewhere with a bunch of severed human toes." Rocket said as he looks at Yondu, he subtly shakes his head in response.

"Let's all agree to never discuss this." Iris implied. Yondu had another idea to help Groot get the fin, he rips the ravager symbol off his jacket.

"The drawer you want to open. Has this symbol on it, okay?" He said. Groot takes it, looks at Yondu, and nods. And then, slowly, he places it on top of his head. "What? No."

"He thinks you want him to wear it as a hat." Rocket said.

"That's not what I said."

"I am Groot."

"He's relieved that you don't want him to wear it." Rocket translated.

"I am Groot."

"He hates hats."

"I am Groot."

"On anyone, not just himself."

"I am Groot."

"One minute you think someone has a weird-shaped head. The next minute, it's just because you realize part of that head is a hat." Rocket then look at Groot in realization. "That's why you don't like hats?" Groot nodded, Iris then put his hand on Rocket's shoulder to get his attention.

"Babe, can we get back on topic. On getting out of here?" She said.

"Your right sweetheart, I'm sorry. Okay, let's try again." It's been a few minutes since Groot left, the three then got startled by a fin falling down in front of Yondu's feet. The three look up to see Kraglin, holding Groot.

"I didn't mean to do a mutiny." He said sadly. "They killed all of my friends."

"Go get the third quadrant ready for release." Yondu ordered. Kraglin smiled, and did the ravager salute to him. He then puts Groot down and was about to walk of, until Rocket got his attention.

"One more thing. You got any clones of Quill's old music on the ship?" He asked

"I think so." Kraglin answered. "Why?"

"Are you doing what I think your doing?" Iris smirked

"You know me too well." Rocket smirked back.

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