The Next Step (Vol 4)

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Readers POV
Two weeks after the fall of Beacon

Seagulls call as a ship moves over peaceful blue waters. That however doesn't stop you from having the most intense feeling of seasickness you've ever had in your life. It had taken some time to get some lien together to afford passage on a ship but after hunting a few Grimm for a local village you managed. You had wanted to leave as soon as you got the money but Sun was insistent that you wait until he he told you it was time. Now finally on the ship You and Sun were in a cabin below deck, being at sea for a day and you haven't left the room in fear of leaving a trail of puke in your wake.

You: (holding bucket) Now I can understand why Neptune hates the ocean. Why were you so insistent we sail to Menagerie again?

Sun: Oh come on flying is so typical, besides I thought you'd enjoy it. Why didn't you mention you get seasick?

You: Honestly this is my first time on a boat, didn't think it'd be this bad. (Sickly)

Sun: Well you rest up, sure you'll get your sea legs eventually.

You looked up from the bucket to see Sun throwing on a cloak before walking towards the door.

You: Why are you wearing that?

Sun: Uh... protection from the sun you know.

You: (suspicious) Didn't you grow up in Vacuo-

The sudden rocking of the ship caused your stomach to churn as you hurled into the bucket.

Sun: Yeah you rest up I'll be back in a bit. (Leaves)

Sun leaves the room and head to the deck of the ship once there he climbs up to the highest part of the ship and starts to look around.

Sun: (looks around) Oh there she is.

Looking down below Sun catches sight of Blake, who was resting her hands on the rail and stares out at the ocean. She blinks and looks over her right shoulder, somewhat startled. Two kids laugh over a joke. Blake almost smiles and turns to look back at the ocean.

Captain: (approaching Blake) Traveling alone?

Blake jumps and grips the hilt of Gambol Shroud. She halts her action when she sees the captain of the boat.

Captain: (holding up his hands) Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat.

Blake hesitates before relaxing her posture with a roll of her eyes.

Blake: And why is that?

The Captain lowers his arms and then twists to lean onto the rail.

Captain: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more... interesting stories.

Blake turns away from the Captain.

Blake: Maybe it's just... better for some people to be alone.

The two kids run behind Blake laughing and she gasps again, not expecting the noise behind her. She turns and blinks at them trying to reset her calm.

Captain: (laughing) Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt.

Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?!

Captain: (laughing again) No one, dear, no one. I'll leave you be.

The Captain turns and walks away, then stops.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Haven ArcWhere stories live. Discover now