Howling Winds (Vol 6)

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Y/n sat on the staircase staring up at the stars and the shattered moon through the window, despite all the unfortunate events that happened today this was the one moment you could find a sense of peace. Hard to believe all those years you spent wondering why the moon was the way it is was thanks to the god of darkness.

You: (to self) Guess the world was always this screwed up.

The sound of footsteps then came down the stairs, Ruby took a seat next to you.

You: How's your uncle?

She peeks over her shoulder back at Qrow who was taking a swig from a bottle before turning back with a sigh.

Ruby: I don't know, he's still processing I think.

You: (looking back at window) I think we all are but I guess I can understand how it is to learn that the person you looked up to the most isn't what you thought them out to be.

Ruby: Y/n I didn't mean to.

You: Nah it's fine. The best thing you can do is to be there for him, keep him from slipping down a slope he might not come back from. (something I didn't do)

Ruby smiles and nods at your words.

Ruby: Thanks Y/n.

You: Anytime Ruby.

Ruby: (walking back into the room) Hey guys. Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early tomorrow.

Blake: Thank goodness.

Everyone gets up to get ready to sleep. Maria hops off the couch.

Maria: Hmph, the last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do. (in a mimicking voice) "Go to bed!" (scoffs)

Maria sits on an armchair, turns on the lamp next to it and continues reading from the book. Ruby shrugs and smiles before going to sleep herself. You were still sitting on the stairs when Blake came up to you.

Blake: Coming to sleep anytime soon?

You: In a bit, just need to clear my head a little longer.

Blake: (smiles) Your not going to start howling at the moon are you?

You: (rolls eyes)  Ha ha very funny.

Blake: (kisses your cheek) Don't stay up too late.

You: (chuckles) No promises.


You were awaken by the light of the sun beaming down on you, without realizing it you had fallen asleep on the stairs. Strangely enough you still felt exhausted.

You: (groans) Thats the last time I sleep on the stairs.

Everyone was spread out across the room still asleep. With a yawn you then walk over to the window and open the curtains, light envelope the room.

Weiss: (muttering in her sleep) Close the window!

Vlad: (groans) Ahh natural light! Turn it off.

You: Well if you want to keep staying in a house with dead bodies in it be my guest.

At that everyone started to get up, in a mix of yawns and groans, Ruby goes to check on Qrow while everyone gathers their belongings.

Later on, the group moves outside. Vlad and Y/n lifts up the flatbed as Weiss uses her glyph to meld a ball that hooks it up to Yang's bike.

Weiss: There.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Haven ArcWhere stories live. Discover now