Homecoming (Vol 4)

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A/n: Decided to rename semblance to Shadow slice.

In the deserts of Menagerie Y/n and Sun find themselves nearing a house rivaling the Belladonna's in size next to an oasis. The house belonged to the Khan family, a family known for there ferocious warriors that fought not only in the Great War but also the Faunus Right Revolution. Their most famous feat being the defeat of General Lagune for Fort castle. The official story is The General tried to ambush the faunus at night expecting an easy victory but instead what he found was a group of faunus waiting for him, but what the schools and history books don't tell you is that there were only five faunus and they belonged to this family, who turned the tide of the war.

You: And that's where we are now Sun.

Sun: Woah that sounds wild, but also really intimidating.

You: You didn't have to come you know.

Sun: Oh come on, what's with you and Blake always trying to do things on your own, speaking of Blake. Why didn't you tell her about this.

You: (sadly) She's finally home after so long , she should spend some time with her parents.

Sun: Are things ok between you two? We've been here for a week now and you two seemed.... a little awkward.

You: Look it's a long story.

Sun: Are you mad at her for leaving?

You: (sighs) No Sun.

Sun: Then what is it-

You: (holds up hand) Be quiet. (Listens out)

Sun: Sheesh I was just-

You: (Shoves Sun away) Move!

As you shoved Sun away a large Scythe comes slamming down in between the two of you.

Sun: What the!?

You could hear the rustling of a chain as the Scythe gets yanked out of the sand, standing in front of you was a tanned skinned girl with tiger stripped ears.

You: Crap... not her.

Sun: Is she a friend of yours?

You: Ehh more like family.

Sun: Well that's good isn't it?

You: Uhh about that.

Tiger ear girl: (swings scythes) You picked the wrong place to mess with intruders!

Sun gets in front of you and blocks the girl's attack with his staff.

Tiger ear girl: (grins) Oh not bad stranger. (Clashing with Sun)

You: Damn it Alicia, it's me!

???: (from behind) Well look who decided to come home, the little puppy.

Behind you was a tanned woman with a stripped tiger tail.

You: Good to see you too Selina. (Points over shoulder) You mind stopping that.

Selina: (smiles) Hmm first things first, why are you here?

You: I need to see the old man.

Selina: Oh, what for?

You: I need him to finish my training.

Selina: (chuckles) You can't be serious, first Adam now you.

Unable to hide the shock and surprise on your face.

You: Adam was here? When?

Selina: (sighs) You Taurus brothers really are problem children. He came about 6 months ago.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Haven ArcWhere stories live. Discover now