Robbing the Elderly (Vol 6)

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Y/n along with Vlad, Wendy, Ruby, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Qrow wait along the cliffside between the forest and the ocean. The plan was already in motion with Weiss boarding the military ship, Maria hidden within her luggage. While Blake and Yang made their way to the communication tower.

Ruby: Alright, we'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too.

Yang: (over radio) And that's when Blake steps in. We're almost at the drop off.

You: (pressing down on comms) Still saying I should've been the one to go on the ship with Weiss.

Blake: (comms) We've talked about this, you're never to fly an airship again.

You: But-

Blake: (over comms) Heading in on foot. Won't be long and no one let him pilot that ship.

Vlad: (smirking while pushing comms) Roger that.

Sitting on the ground Y/n begins drawing in the dirt with a stick, while Wendy pats his back.

Jaune: ( pumps fist in excitement) Yes! It's all going to plan!

Jaune then looks to Ren and Nora, who just stare at him with neutral looks.

Jaune: (clears throat) I mean, uh... roger.

Ren and Nora exchange a brief glance while rolling their eyes at their leader. Oscar notices Ruby looking over with concern to Qrow, who is leaning against a tree with an uneasy look on his face.

Oscar: (to Ruby) Hey, this is gonna work.

Ruby: Yeah.

Ruby watches her scroll as Weiss' signal disappears.

Ruby: Alright guys, this is it. (placing her fingers on her ear) Blake, you're up.

No response.

You: Blake?

With no answer Y/n felt his stomach start to sink as he stands up and looks back at his friends, who also have the same look of worry.

Ruby: (over comms) Yang, what's going on?

Yang: (comms) I don't know...

Weiss: (putting her fingers to her ear) Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo's onto us, and Maria isn't helping!

Wendy: Maybe she's just really into her stealth mode.

Vlad: Or the relay is just out of range for the comms.

You: (to self) It couldn't be Adam, he wouldn't know that we'd be planning this today of all days and even if he did he wouldn't risk it. Would he?

Weiss: (comms) Why is the radar still up?!

Ruby: We don't know, Blake isn't responding.

Oscar: What do we do?!

Yang: (over comms) Keep the ship in one piece.

You:(comms) Wait Yang-

You tried to reach Yang before she did something dangerous but it was no use, her signal was now out of range. You couldn't shake the feeling that something seriously bad was going to happen.

Nora: Maybe we should fly over to help Yang and Blake first?

You: I'm heading over there.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Haven ArcWhere stories live. Discover now