Our Way (Vol 6)

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Blake: You guys fought what!?

Yang: Guess we weren't the only ones having it rough.

Blake and Yang both said as you told them what happened back at the cliff, helping you to your feet they let you use their shoulders for support.

You: We managed to stop Cordo and her Mech so there shouldn't be anything stopping us from leaving.

Blake: We better get moving, we've got a long walk back.

You: Huh? (To Yang) What happened to your bike?

Yang: (awkwardly) Thats a long story, probably best that we don't talk about it. Anyway we should get going.

As the three of you started moving, an airship comes flying over the waterfall, Yang and Blake both started to tense as the ship hovers overhead. As it slowly starts to descend the bay doors open to reveal Vlad and Ruby, the two jump out of the ship and run towards you all.

Ruby: Are you guys alright?

Yang: (smiles) Yeah we're fine. (Breaking a way to hug Ruby) Glad to see you sis.

Vlad notices the scorch mark on Yang's prosthetic before he turns to look at Y/n and Blake.

Vlad: What happened here?

There was silence. You couldn't find the words to explain while Blake could only stare at the ground. It wasn't until Weiss yelled from the airship the silence broke.

Weiss: Guys! We have to hurry there's still a situation going on.

You: What situation?

Vlad who clearly still wanted to know what had happened answered.

Vlad: Grimm, a huge hoard is heading towards the city and it's being led by a Leviathan.

Maria: (from cockpit) Get a move on people!

Ruby: Lets go we can save the questions for later.

Vlad: Fine come on.

Vlad helps support you to the ship, once onboard Maria takes off back to the city. You were set down on the bench, as Vlad pulls his gloved hand back, it was soaked in blood.

Vlad: Dude you're bleeding out, just what the hell happened? Anyone have a medkit or something.

Wendy: (bringing one out) Got it. (Kneeling next to you) Jeez why do you always have to be so reckless?

You: (weak chuckle) What can I say,

As Wendy treated your wounds, you catch a glimpse of Blake's sad expression.

Blake: I'm so sorry...

Yang: Don't be. This isn't on you.

Blake: But--

You: Blake she's right, please don't blame yourself.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Haven ArcWhere stories live. Discover now