Writer's Note 2: A Few Things...

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My sister drew that pic of Violet. I liked it. So, it's there now. End of story. 

Anyway, a few things I'd like to discuss...

First off, when I start my school year, I MIGHT (emphasis on the "might") need to change the schedule of my writing and posting. There might also be delays. This is just to inform anyone that's reading.  But for now, since I'm not starting yet, everything will resume as normal (I hope I can continue to write normally like this 'till the near end of January).

Second, I appreciate all the readers that have read, followed, or even simply just viewed the story so far. Thank you! Thanks to everyone who helped Volume. 1 hit 500 something views (hope I hit 1000 someday *fingers crossed* so I can have Gelato Ice Cream by the beach as celebration)!!!! And thanks for helping Vol. 2 hit its first 100. Arigato!!!! Konosuba for you all!

Third, Vol. 2 will probably be longer than Vol. 1. (I think). I need time to flesh it out, so it will probably have more than just 15 chapters (I think that's how many chapters Vol. 1 has excluding the Epilogue  and also RIP Light Novel tag...I might as well just call it a Novel at this point if it ends up having too many chapters). Honestly, I don't know if this story will have a Vol. 3. Maybe. It depends if my brain figures out a new story before Vol. 2. ends (hopefully). 

Last, thank you for all the support. It means a lot to me. Call me emotional or whatever...but it really does mean a lot. At first, I really wondered if my time jump for the story and crafting Violet into well "my version of Violet" (please don't hurt me VE author Kana Akatsuki >/////< I swear she still belongs to you) was a good idea ( I was nervous 'cause my Violet has quite a lot of personality and she says and does things that the original Violet would never do like: makes jokes, can curse sometimes or curse when she's angry, laughs, smiles way more, and carries two revolvers out in the open like some cowboy). But so far, it turned out okay (I think >////////<). I hope my version of Violet Evergarden is okay with you guys and still is okay. I hope you guys still like her. And I hope she's still (despite the changes)...

...Violet Evergarden.

Violet Evergarden

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Chapter 10 is done I just need the pics, then when the weekend is here, I'm posting it! And I'll write Chapter 11 too throughout the weekdays so, it can be posted at the same time as C. 10.  :)

Violet Evergarden Vol. 2: Still Useful In The New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now