Epilogue: Visions

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About a month later, Castle Crestfallen...

Reina Presta walked across the hallway and in her left hand, she held five folders of documents.

Her face had a two visible scars, specifically over her right eyebrow and right cheek. She had a cast on the wrist and fingers of her right hand. Under her black, long sleeves shirt, there were bandages over her stomach and rib cage. She had a few scrapes on her knees which were hidden by her gray combat pants. Her equipment remained the same. Her signature Scar rifle was strapped to her back and her favorite Beretta was still kept at her hip holster. On her head, there was no longer a maid's headdress, but she wore a blue beret hat with the letters...


She walked straight into the throne room without any hesitation.

Throne Room...

"Left Adviser Presta! You're late!" said a male voice as she walked slowly to the Throne Area (Where the throne is located. And where both Left and Right advisers would stand to the left and right of the throne.).

"Sorry, Right Adviser Hays, I got too caught up in a meeting," apologized the Left Adviser as she clutched her documents.

It was the silver-haired Justice Hays. He still wore his butler attire. But I think he just preferred to call it his Adviser attire now. On the front of his left pocket were the initials.


"Well, I guess that can't be helped. Meetings can be quite busy, no?" the Right Adviser gave her his sympathy.

Headmaid Presta moved to the left side of the throne.

"Yeah, a real pain in the..."


The Throne Room doors swung open and in came a young man wearing a formal white suit. He walked confidently to the throne.

The two Advisers immediately gave a humble bow.

"Your Majesty," they said almost simultaneously.

He gave an informal salute to them. And they immediately stopped bowing.

He sat on his throne and then said...

"Alright, did you bring the documents?"

"Well, young Master..." began Left Adviser Presta.

The young man raised his hand to stop Presta from continuing that sentence.

"Adviser Reina, I think that you should use my official title during working hours. We can be informal during off-hours."

The young man looked at Reina. Even though the right side of his face had burn scars and his right eye had an eyepatch now, his face still remained kind.

The Left Adviser looked to Right Adviser Hays.

"He's right," agreed Hays. "It is the law. Plus, he did work his ass off to be worthy of it."

Presta smiled. 

"My apologies. It was simply force of habit..." she paused for a while and resumed. "...King Shane. Here are the documents you asked for."

She handed over the first folder to him.

He opened it and gazed through it.

"The over-sea soldiers have spotted her, then?" he asked as he looked at the info written down.

"Well, I can't say that they've actually spotted her specifically, King Shane. More like, they spotted a person with a sort of rabbit or bunny mask hopping across the rooftops of Liszpotamia with an unknown associate. The other person was wearing a sort of devil or grim reaper mask. They disappeared as soon as soldiers could get close enough though," replied the Left Adviser.

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