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Normally, I didn't venture out to parties. I liked to have quiet get-togethers with Jade and Deja in my apartment. Popcorn, Netflix, margarita mixes, and tons of pizza. Just us.

But never a party-party.

The crowds always got to me. The warm bodies made me feel like the walls were closing in on me. Suffocating me. Torturing me. Dizzying my mind with confusion. I tried to stick it out and have a good time for my friend's sake. But I always ended up sneaking out and running back to my apartment before my chest could collapse in panic.

Tonight though---- was an exception. Alec was a selfish dick. A useless one at that. I needed to go out with my friends and forget about my constant disappointment.

"What'd you do this time?" I smirked up at the boy, as he rolled his eyes.

"Can't you read the sign?" He grumbled, trying to shift his arms. But he was stuck.

"Reed, you think you'd learn not to steal." I chastised him sternly. "You know what they do to you." I tsked at him, glaring at the chalkboard attached to a string dangling from his neck. Stating he stole--something. A crime within the house, punishable by the flagpole.

"Come on, Cals, can't you cut me out?" He pleaded, trying to move anything on his body. But the duct tape tightly wrapped around every inch of him, attaching him to the flagpole outside the frat house. Wouldn't let him budge an inch. Only the boys would take care of it and let him out.

"You know I don't have that authority, big guy." I laughed tapping him on the shoulder. "And besides I'd really love to avoid my jock of a brother at all costs." I tapped his shoulder again and started to walk away towards the cringey noise of the party.

"Calllliieeee, pppllleeaaseee!!" he begged and whined. As I walked up the steps of the large house. Loud voices already seeped out the open windows, mixing with the loud booming music and shrill laughter. I knew I'd regret Deja's invitation. I needed to get drunk and fast.

"I'll see what I can do!" I shouted back and walked inside the crowded house.

The moment I stepped into the crowded living room of the all-male frat, I instantly regretted my decision. There situated in the room's corner with a red solo cup nestled in his hand was the reason I stayed away from this place.
He full-body laughed with some taller man, sending shivers down my spine. I knew those grey eyes from a mile away. I could pick out that tall body from a lineup of perps without a second glance.

Escape, my adrenaline rush, hissed.

I ducked my head, trying to hide my face. Trying to weave through the sea of people blocking my exit. Deja would have to make do without me for tonight, I had to scurry before------

"Cals!!!" I groaned immediately at his whiny voice. "Callieeeeeeee!!" He sang through the crowd coming toward me with a drink in hand and heavy booze on his breath. It was as if he had drunk a whole fifth of tequila in one gulp. Then promptly jumped into a bath filled with it or maybe one of those kiddie pools?

Either way. He stunk.

And I wasn't fast enough.

"Hey, freak, weird to see you out!" He grinned with glossed eyes, tossing his heavy arm over my shoulders. It didn't take a genius to figure out my dear brother was drunk. Drunker than I initially thought.

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now