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Dex’s POV

Whoever said chivalry died last millennia never met me. Norman fucking Dexter. The last chivalrous man in the entire fucking universe. The last genuine gentleman to walk this planet. Well—ok. You caught me. Maybe not so gentlemanly. Maybe? Fuck, I don’t know. I try, I really, really try to do the right thing. I try to think more with my upstairs brain than my downstairs brain, sometimes. God—fuck. I try to put Callie’s needs before mine because I don’t want my natural, selfish human ways to interfere.

I like to think I have some halfway decent qualities. Right? Well — maybe good enough for my, yes mine, ALL MINE, Callie at least. And that’s all that matters to me. If I can show her how a man is supposed to treat his lady and do it the proper way, then I’ll be happy. As long as she’s happy, of course. Her happiness is my number one priority. For as long as I know her and have her in my arms, I want to see her smile every day. I want to wake up with the sun beaming down on her like an angel sent from God, made for me. I never in my life want to upset her again. Seeing the tears she shed over me that one time was the last straw for me. I want to love Callie with all my heart and never let her go.

If you asked me a few months ago, I would have said simple gentleman ways were deader than a doornail. Deader than Chelsea and I’s shitty superficial plastic relationship. What did I ever see in her? Maybe it was the big tits that caught my attention? She had an OK ass and face. Her personality was shittier than shit. Poetic, I know. I dunno, they were sufficient and fun at the time. Just like her. Sufficient. Mediocre. Fun while it lasted. There wasn’t a concrete reason I stayed with her. Maybe the familiarity she held. I could look at her and see my old home. My old high school. My old love. But that’s all she was. Old. Broken. Manipulative. Boring. Superficial. You name it, Chelsea had it.

That girl turned into a 200 MPH train wreck in high school. In fucking Highschool and I stayed with her. Why? Why did I do that to myself? With the constant drinking and the constant snorting her feelings away, I never knew what was going through her head. I don’t know how she convinced me to follow her to California for college, but it’s times like this I’m thankful she did. Looking over at Callie and seeing a whole, genuine reason to wake up in the morning, makes my heart race. 

Chelsea and Callie were completely different people. From the hair on their heads to the beating of their hearts, they’re oceans away from one another. Chelsea could never compare to the woman fast asleep in my front seat. Callie is a world above anyone I’ve ever met and I never intend to let her go. Well — I mean, if she wants to, I’ll let her go. I’ll fight tooth and nail to prove my worth to her because let’s face it, this girl is way out of my league. But fuck it. Even if she’s too good for me and I probably don’t deserve her, I’ll keep her. If she’ll have me.

I stared ahead at the darkened road in front of me. One minute Callie’s talking about jumping my bones in the backseat of my car. Which I didn’t oppose, by the way. And the next minute, she’s passed out in the passenger seat, dead to the world. I can’t help but sneak peeks at her snoring and drooling form. I’d never tell her how loud she gets sometimes with her snores. I mean, they’re currently filling the car, even over the music. I’d just keep it to myself, for now. Unless I needed some blackmail or something. Ha! Maybe I should record her and show her later. It’s like sawing logs, I swear. But so endearing at the same time. At least she hasn’t told me to fuck off in her sleep this time. Only that one time….

I snorted to myself at the thought, as I pulled off the highway. Thank God for Jade and her expert advice on how to make these two days legendary. I could never have pulled this off without her insight. Fuck me. I think I’m a romantic type of guy to the bone, but when it came to planning this perfect weekend, I had no idea. I wanted everything to be perfect for her. She deserved it. After these past few weeks, she needs this. We spent plenty of time in her apartment watching Netflix and cuddling. I held her through panic attacks and breakdowns. Who wouldn’t have those after that fucking shit-brick attacked her? She had flashbacks and reoccurring nightmares. God, I could save her from a lot of things, but I couldn’t protect her from her own mind. The only thing that seemed to calm her a bit was shit-brick being shipped to New York for a new school like he wasn’t a fucking criminal.

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