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When the sun peeked through my apartment windows the next day. Our limbs clung together, still intertwined. Heat poured from his body into mine sending a content sigh through me. This is the life. The life I am meant for. The life I could have in the future.

Soft snores poured from his parted lips giving me a rare glimpse at the man I now trusted with my body, mind, and soul. The only man I trusted now with my secrets and intimate thoughts. For the first time in my life, it felt right. Insanely right, like he had always been meant for me. Only me. Every single molecule of him felt right. For now, of course, because I didn’t know where it would lead. 

I felt as if we had opened a whole new world for me in a single confession. I now walked a brand new path, forged by honesty and vulnerability. A new path to a new me. To a new life. The possibilities seemed endless and maybe with him? Maybe we’d end up together in the end like some romantic comedy. Or maybe we’d fizzle out. The uncertainty of it all weighed on my shoulders like a boulder. Jade’s words repeated through my mind like a broken record with every sweep of his sleeping face. I had to let go and give it a chance. Everyone deserves a chance, right? 

Even me.

Dex’s brown shaggy hair stuck straight up in every direction against the white pillowcase below him. Probably because of going to sleep so soon after our steamy shower session and it made him look even more adorable and real in my eyes. My fingers ached to run through his locks and tame their wildness. Instead, I opted to watch his chest ease up and down. With his deep breaths, I reveled in the sleepy noises he made.

He looked so peaceful and adorable beside me. His arms sprawled out around my torso and his long, lean legs intertwined with mine. A smile spread across my lips at the sight of his sleeping form. Who would have thought I’d be so comfortable in someone’s arms, let alone a hookup?

 Or was he just a hook-up anymore? 

I grazed my fingertips up and down his jaw. His scruffy chin tickled along the palm of my hand. Confirming to me this really happened to me. He's here, in my bed, and had been all night. I had shared my deepest, darkest secrets with him in a moment of vulnerability.

He didn’t run. He didn't scream at me. He wasn’t repulsed like Zane swore everyone would be by me. Zane tainted my very being. He tainted my thoughts and actions by poisoning my way of thinking. But Dex? He renewed me. Dex administered the antidote to counter the longterm poisoning that had lived deep inside of me for so long. And it's about damn time I relaxed and enjoyed something as simple as cuddling.

A lazy grin sprawled across my lips as his fingers brushed against mine on his cheek. Before looping his fingers between mine, enveloping me in his warm and nurturing touch. 

“Hi,” he whispered, sleep clear in his small voice. His eyes fluttered open, almost in slow motion. He blinked rapidly as if the sun pouring in from the window above us burned his pupils.  He settled his gaze on me.

“Hi,” I whispered back with a small, hoarse laugh. 

“How are you this morning?” He asked, turning over slightly to face me. Running his fingers through my ratty hair, catching on his nails.

“Fantastic,” I whispered back. “And you?” He hummed, leaning in to kiss my forehead, letting his lips linger.

“Hungry,” he replied. Right on cue, his tummy rumbled beneath the sheets making mine answer back.

“Hmmm—well, I could make you something?” He laughed so hard our bodies shook on the bed. I could have sworn an earthquake rattled beneath us.

“I don’t think I’d trust you with pop-tarts in the toaster.” He quipped. 

“Ohhhhh you’ve got jokes this morning, don’t you, Norman!” He laughed even more at my comment. My finger poked at his chest with every word, before he caught my hand in his. 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now