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Warning: this chapter may be triggering. There will be violence against Callie and an attempt at sexual assault.

He broke up with his girl, he’s on a warpath.’ Bodhi’s words bounced inside my skull. As my back pressed into the cold brick wall. Staring into the frigid, soulless eyes of the snake in front of me. 

He’s drunk, probably took God knows what.’ More of Bodhi’s words haunted my thoughts. I knew deep down, I was in deep shit. His strength outranked mine tenfold and if he took something, I could be in danger. But despite the danger raising red flags in front of my face, this felt like my one and only chance to enact my revenge. If I couldn’t physically fight with my fists, then I could fight with my words. With the words I had bottled up for years, I felt ready to uncork the bottle and let all my words flow freely.

Man---what shitty plan, but I had to do it. 

For them.
For me.

His grey eyes narrowed as he stared at me, really taking in my face. “I feel like we should pick up where we left off......” His heavy tongue slurred every word, weaving them together. His calloused fingertips roughly drifted over my cheek possessively. The potent stench of alcohol mixed with garbage wafted from his parted lips. Bile rose onto my tongue making my throat constrict into gags at the foul smell coming from him threatening to spill onto his shirt.

I swallowed hard, forcing the acid back into my stomach. My mind instantly numbed with his unwanted caresses touching my body. My brain wanting to retreat into myself to a safer place and disconnect from the outside world where danger lurked. It chanted at me to hide myself from him and not let him take anymore from me. I shook my head trying to regain myself at least a little. I could handle this. I could handle him. 

Stay. Stay alert. Stay yourself. Don’t mentally retreat within. 

“No!” I hissed suddenly, shoving my hands into his hard as a wall chest. His large frame fell away from me in surprise. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, Zane Peterson, but you will not touch me!” I yelled again with purpose now, letting the shakiness of my voice shatter away to show my strength. His eyebrows raised into his hairline in surprise and his fully-blown pupil’s glared daggers into my defiance. He truly believed I wouldn’t fight back as hard as I did. Because to him, I never had. He thought I was the prey, but in turn, I was the real predator now.  

“Do. Not. Touch. Me.” I warned again through growls, pointing a finger into his hard chest. Bluish veins erupted along his forehead and his jaw tensed. His muscles strained against his clenching teeth and flaring nostrils. 

I turned my body, stupidly leaving my back to him. I took a few steps before his hand slapped in front of my face against the wall stopping me dead in my tracks. A trickle of ice-cold fear flew down my spine, as I tried to duck under his arm. He shoved me back into the wall and I groaned as his forearm rested against my neck, blocking small amounts of air from my lungs.  He pressed into me. His features the same angry contortions they were before. But he was losing his grip on the monster lurking inside of him, clawing to get out. I knew my time of safety was numbered. I had to fight back this time.

For them. 
For me.
For us. 

“I’ll touch you when I want.” He gritted out in a harsh tone, dipping so low. His voice seemed to growl like an angry wolf on the attack. I pushed against him again, but he didn’t budge this time. His body seemed like the brick wall behind me. Tall, sturdy, and unmoving. I knew I couldn’t push my way out of this, but I still had a few choice words for him.

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