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Warning: Callie talks about her rape in this chapter. Nothing explicit, but I felt I should give some sort of warning. ❤

I peered into the oven with disdain. The light inside illuminated my newest, impossible mission. Two uncooked frozen pizzas taunted me from the inside the oven. Their non-existent laughs silently mocked my inability to cook. 

I've lived alone since the start of college and had never learned how to cook a damn meal. Not. A. Damn. Thing. School had always provided meals in the cafeteria morning, noon, and night. Why would I take myself away from my studies (or other things) to learn how to cook? God! And now Dex is coming expecting an amazing meal. I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth! Now I’m stuck staring at pizzas that will more than likely become hockey pucks by the end of the night. 

“You better not burn!” I hissed at the innocent-looking pizzas. Pointing a stern finger, quieting their menacing laughs echoing inside my head. I got this! I so got this! Yeah! I set the proper temperature and now I have 20 minutes to kill before Mr. Sexy Dex arrives. Don’t panic, just don’t panic, Cals! 

I stood up and adjusted my dress, pulling it towards my knocking knees. I ran my hand down the sweater-like material and sighed. I didn’t know why I decided on this comfy mid-thigh dress or the uncomfortable ankle boots. You want to look good, Cals, that’s it. And for that matter, why did I do this to myself? Why am I cooking for him? Whyyyyy? Oh--I was spiraling down the drain of feelings. Drowning in the what-ifs and what could happen of a relationship I didn’t even know I wanted? Did I? Did I want Dex for more than what we were? 

What was happening to me?! Why did he have to be so damn nice to me? Because he’s a relationship kind of guy, Cals. Something you’ve never been. You need to let him down easy before he gets too attached. Or before you get too attached, for that matter. Or maybe I’m way too late for that.

My body jumped at the three loud thuds coming from my front door. Startling me from my drowning thoughts. This is it. He’s just a good time, Cals. He’s just another guy. He’ll move on from you shortly. You’ll move on from him too. Just have fun...just for fun. I need to keep telling myself those words, if I don’t, I’ll hyperventilate. I took a deep breath and opened the door to reveal Mr. Sexy Dex with a grin plastered on his face. 

“Hello, Handsome,” I beamed. His eyes immediately fell over my body, scanning every inch he could see and not see. But if he had x-ray vision, I’m sure he’d be more than happy with what I lacked underneath. 

Did I mention I skipped underwear again... and a bra? Why put those pesky contraptions on when he’d only rip them off later with his bare hands. Oh — his bare hands. My cheeks burned at the imagery of his hands clawing at my undergarments, tearing them in half just to get a piece of me. Sending shudders through my body and wetness to my very ready pussy. 

Keep it together, Cals. You haven’t had dinner yet! 

I leaned on the door frame as his eyes found mine again after what seemed like forever  “Heya, Gorgeous!” He greeted with a smile, pecking my cheek, and I waved him inside.  

He stepped inside and immediately looked around like a kid in a candy store. I closed and locked the door. “Welcome to my little home,” I said, standing beside him with butterflies floating in my stomach. 

“It’s nice, Callie. Thanks for inviting me. I never thought I’d get a glimpse of it.” He teased lightly, pushing my shoulder. I shrugged as my eyes fell to the floor in shame. He had walked me home so many nights and this was the first time he had seen the inside. 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now