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The hallway seemed to weave back and forth as I narrowed my eyes. Trying to focus on the dangling lightbulbs above my head, anything to stay present. My vision turned fuzzy and distant like I'm on a rocky boat in a violent storm. My ears buzzed with muffled sounds and voices from the dining room up ahead. My heart pumped hard against my ribs. My breaths catch in my throat and I couldn't seem to pull them in deep or fast enough. The burning took over my raw throat and lungs and my hand clasps frantically to the front of my shirt.


Maybe I should have stayed in the bathroom longer or texted my dad that I puked or had food poisoning. I looked the part before dinner with my pale face and now I probably look like I was drowning in the flu. My fingers brush against the wood-paneled wall beside me. Keeping me upright and focused on my final destination.

Maybe when I get to the table I can tell Dad I need to leave pronto, because I don't think I'll last another second. If I have to stare at the grey-eyed devil anymore, I will lose my mind or my dinner. The hallway seemed never-ending, the darkness never ceasing, even with the lights strewn above. Despair flowed around me, enveloping my body, and I couldn't shake the heavy feeling in my chest. Like a heavy boulder pressing onto my lungs and stomach, it's the worst my panic had ever felt. I needed to pull myself together, but I can't do it on my own.

“Callie?” I stopped dead at his concerned voice. My eyes closing in response. Relief washing the anxiety from my skin like a cold shower. Sending shivers of relief through my nerves and the spiders were forced to retreat.

He stood before me concern etched into his expression. The warmth of his hands instantly caressed my cheeks and he pulled me into him. His hard body collided with mine and the warmth of his skin soothed every inch of me. My mouth gulped as much of his oxygen as it could manage, finally pulling in the deep breaths I needed. I swam in his scent, bathing myself in everything that was him. My body shook against him.

If Zane’s touch pulled me from my thoughts and disassociated me from reality. Dex’s caresses pulled me back from the brink of delusion and slammed me back into reality with love and concern. His warmth enveloped me and brought the haziness and my muddled thoughts back to the restaurant hallway. He grounded me to this earth. He brought me back to myself.

“Talk to me,” he pleaded against my hair. Holding me so tight against him as if letting me go wasn't an option. “Baby, please.” He whispered again, pleading with me and that did it. That made the burning hot tears I had held back fall from my eyes again.

“He cornered me again.” I finally gasped out into his ear. “The bathroom….. I almost couldn’t get away. If it wasn’t for the woman in there….” I nuzzled my nose into his neck and breathed deeply again. Letting the pinewood scent of his skin ground me to reality. God, it felt good to have every ounce of him around me.

“The fuck did he do?” He growled lowly, so only I could hear his words.

“Nothing,” I choked out, my sobs lessening as he held me tighter. Almost melting us into one singular unit. “But I think he’ll get worse before he gets better.” I said through even breaths now. My body relaxed into his embrace. His hand clasped in my hair stayed put as his other rubbed my back. Soothing out all my pain until his body tensed against me. 

“Dex,” Zane said casually in passing, clasping a hand to knock his shoulder as a friend would. Was Zane that blind to his surroundings that he couldn’t see Dex’s murderous stare?

I curled my hand into the front of Dex’s shirt as he tried to take off after him in a blind rage. I held him against me and he resumed his comforting position. 

“I’m walking you everywhere. Don’t you dare go anywhere alone. I swear if that guy comes anywhere close to you, I’ll throat punch him and rip his lungs out in one fucking punch.” He growled, holding tighter to me. I reached up, letting my warm lips linger on the softness of his cheek. Counting the freckles splattering his face and ran a hand down his other cheek. 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now