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 I scrubbed a hand down my face. “I’m so sorry!” I groaned with sincerity for the thousandth time in two days. But she didn’t look at me. She outright refused to meet my eyes.

This is what you get, Cals, for being a naughty, bad, good for nothing, friend. Time to pay up!

Jade chomped onto the inside of her cheek, holding back the words she really wants to say to me. Words probably along the lines of “get bent” and “you suck at being a friend”. She nodded her head up and down slowly. Her brown spiral curls bobbed with her movements. And I slammed my face into my hands.

“Ugh! Maybe Bodhi is right. Maybe I’m too impulsive and I don’t think before I act.” A muffled groan escapes through the cracks of my fingers. Secretly hating myself for agreeing with my stupidly annoying, probably right, brother about my impulsive actions. 

Jade gives my knee a tap and sighs. “You must feel terrible if you’re agreeing with that idiot.” I looked over at her and examined her forgiving brown eyes with desperate hope.

“I feel awful. Now our show will get canceled and we will lose it and... and…” I groaned on and on, but she quickly cut me off.

“Deep breaths, Cals, it’ll be ok. This is our first offense in two years. Plus—because of us, the channel gets more sponsors than it ever has. We bring in a shit ton of money to this school. Honestly, I think it’ll be ok.” She tapped my knee again, trying to reassure me. When It should have been the other way around. I should have been reassuring her and telling her it would be ok because I fucked up. I am the impulsive fuck up, not her.

“Well — I’m taking the blame for everything, just so you know. I will not let Mr. White take everything from you. You’ve worked too hard to lose your baby.” I said through a pout, giving the best puppy dog eyes I could muster in hopes she’d finally forgive me. Because I wasn’t above groveling on my hands and knees and kissing her feet. 

I almost shit my pants when the disciplinary email came. It was the Wednesday after Dex’s and I’s incident. You know, when I accidentally or not so accidentally moaned on air. Which is apparently against the rules? Who knew? Talk about sex and dicks and anything else and you’re golden. But have a sexual act performed on you in the studio, and suddenly the board has a problem with it. A big problem with it. And Jade---I had known her since I was a baby and had never seen her so pissed off at me. She refused to look at me. She refused to talk to me for at least an entire day. She refused my texts, and the list goes on and on. Leading me to the, I majorly fucked up, conclusion. 

“Well, I really am sorry. I just-"

“You’re too horny for your own good.” She teased, pushing my shoulder with hers. We erupted into a giggle fit, dropping the intense tension from the air.

“So who was he? I know Alec doesn’t even come close to making you sound like that.” She raised a brow, glaring into my eyes with curiosity. 

I couldn’t help the smile that erupted across my lips at the thought of Dex and his big brown eyes hungrily staring at me. Or his shaggy hair, perfect for gripping onto as I rode him. Images flared through my mind like lightning. His warm fingers drifting across my skin, jolting electricity with every touch he offered. Like he was meant to touch me and I was meant for his touch only. Mixed with his chiseled chest and abs glistening in the moonlight coming through the window of his room. Just like last night and the night before. And the night before that and...well…. it goes on and on.

Ahh--- oh! Where was I? He and I had been pretty hot and heavy since the night of the party. Even that’s an understatement, more like rabbits going to town for hours and days.  Getting it daily and nightly and ever so rightly, as one famous TV doctor had put it. And boy—did he give it to me good.

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