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As soon as we entered his dark bedroom. He hastily threw me up against the door, closing it with a thud. The door banged loud as I threw my arms above my head in a frenzy. His large fingers bound my wrists tightly together. His mouth overtook mine in an animalistic passion like his tongue couldn’t get enough of the warmth of mine. Our tongues glide together in perfect sync, his hands dropping mine to cup my face. Holding me tight in front of him, diving deeper into my mouth. Our noses squished together, as his fingers fell further down to my chest. Clumsily seeking my breasts.

He rubbed his palm over my hard and sensitive nipples poking from under my shirt. Swooping over them and moaning into my mouth with every handful he squeezed. Making me moan back.

I ran my hand over his rigid dick. As it bounced against my palm, still hidden within his jeans. A treasure I needed to touch and feel within my grasp. My moans died in our heated kiss, eaten by his tongue against mine. His throat killing them on arrival with his own vibrations of lust.

My desperation clawed at my insides like an evil demon bubbling to the surface. It crawled on my skin like tiny ants dancing towards my brain. Pushing my desire to the top of my to-do list. My to-do me list. Forget the laundry piling up. Forget the dishes growing mold. I needed him. 

And I needed him NOW! 

His lips traveled down my neck again, nipping at my flesh. His hands still worked my breasts grabbing and squeezing until he stopped. Almost as if someone had caught him red-handed doing something bad. Or breasthanded. But this wasn’t bad! This was good. Oh, so fucking good! He’s breathless against me, his brain doing cartwheels. Looking as if he were overthinking our little hookup. 

No, Dex, don’t overthink. Don’t leave me like this. 

“I haven’t been with anyone else, besides her.” His voice rasped with apprehension, his eyes avoiding my wide eyes. 

His thumbs nervously fumbled with my nipples through my shirt. Like miniature windshield wipers going back and forth at a steady, but brain mushing pace. Where were my thoughts again?  Sharp shivers cascaded down my body like a waterfall, shuddering my breaths. A slick wetness oozed down my thighs with readiness, preparing my body for what was about to hopefully come. And cum we would. 

“It’s ok,” I whispered breathlessly. 

Desperately. Needily. Begging him. 

“I don’t care how many people you’ve been with.” My back arched, as his lips made their way down my neck again with confidence. His sharp teeth sunk deep into my flesh, surely leaving marks to find tomorrow. 

I cried out in so much pleasure, my fingers dug into his shoulders. Trying to anchor myself to this moment; to him so I didn’t collapse onto the floor. His fingers drifted under my shirt scorching my skin with his touch. Slowly grazing across my belly button and up between my breasts. 

“If you’re insecure. I can assure you, you’re making me wet beyond belief. I seriously…” his mouth closed over mine again effectively eating my words and shutting me the hell up. 

Eventually, we made our way to the bed. I’m not quite sure how that happened. Everything blurred together in a hasty daze. One second my body was smashed between his rock hard abs and his solid bedroom door. The next thing I knew I was on top of him, still needily kissing him. Straddling his lap on the edge of his bed grinding into him like it was the end of the world and this was my last hump. What a goodbye to earth that would be. 

Our lips never parted from each other. My fingers ran wild through his shaggy hair, loving the feel of it between my fingers. Pulling it between them in soft yanks. His soft moans vibrated deliciously through my mouth like a sweet dessert. My hips couldn’t help themselves as I mercilessly dry humped him, seeking out the friction my body begged for.  

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now