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“Probation?” Jade shakes her head with disgust. 

“Yeah,” I breathe. Probation. Fucking Probation. So a guy can beat a girl, almost rape her, and get off on probation.

“What the ever living Fuck is wrong with this world?” She shrieks now, gaining the attention of the other employees. 

“No idea,” I frown, handing her our itinerary for the evening. 

Her eyes examine the writing quickly, slamming a hand onto my forearm. “Seriously?” She whispers, tears filling the brim of her eyes. “You’re good with this?” I’ve made several improvements over the last few years. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve been dealt my hand in life. I’m no longer afraid to discuss what’s happened to me. In fact, half of our audience knows the entire story. Sending questions, their apologies, and even their own stories in for us to read. Just like how we started in college. Our radio show has gone from zero to sixty in ten seconds flat. 

“It took three useless years to get to this point, J. If the courts will brush off a rapist and only give him probation, then I’m outing his ass. Every detail. Every little thing he threatened me with. Fuck him. Fuck the courts. They think a restraining order is all he needs?” Anger boils in the depths of my gut, sending burning bile up my throat. 

Swallowing down the literal burning anger churning in my stomach, I shake my head. “I’m done playing games. I’m done defending myself against the fucking press. They think they can ruin my name. Nah--” Jade pulls me into a bone-crushing hug, squishing us together. My glue. My girl. 

“Let’s do this then, girl. Let’s tell the world, again, what a piece of shit Zane is. Again. Jesus.” Jade sighs, pulling back. Her palms cup my cheeks, sadness pouring from her eyes. 

“You are the baddest bitch I know. Tough. Loyal. Let’s do this!” A grin spreads across her face, sadness still etched in her weary eyes. She’s been off the past few weeks. Something is eating at her and If I didn’t know her so well, I’d have missed it. But I don’t miss it. She’s been so consumed in my pity party, I haven’t taken the time to delve into hers. 

I place my hands over hers on my cheeks, “J, you know if something is wrong, you can talk about it with me.” Her throat swallows a lump, head tilting to the side. The sadness in her eyes remain. 

“Later,” she says, taking her hands back. 

“Jade,” I whine, but she shakes her head. 

“Later, bitch, we have a national radio show to host. Did you see our FlashGram account? 1 million fucking followers!” 

“Yeah-yeah, we know you two are the flipping queens of the universe! Now get your sexy asses to the studio and talk about big dicks!” I snort, turning my attention to our director. He waves a hand, summoning us to the right. 

We follow through the door with Fred on our asses, ushering us in at the last minute. Chirping about how we are going to give him a heart attack and fired for every second our pretty asses aren’t in our booth entertaining the callers. He’s a very dramatic kind of guy, but we love him. One of the best directors we’ve had in the past three years. He’s also the most loyal and lovable. And the only one who gets us here on time, well sometimes. 

“By the way, Calliope, I heard a certain something, something happened this weekend on your annual camping trip with that hunk of yours.” Fred waggles his eyebrows, a grin steadily taking over his features. 

Wiping my left hand across my lips, I smile. “Oh, I don’t know, Freddy,” I sing-song, his eyes zeroing in on the huge rock sitting on my finger. 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now