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His lips began kissing up my leg. He slowly pulled my ass to the edge of the chair, forcing my legs apart. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on what I was talking about for the sake of my listeners. 

What was I saying??



I couldn’t do it.

I couldn’t focus.

My brain turned to a pool of mush. Mushy, mushy thoughts of nothing but his moist tongue working its way up my calf, towards the inside of my thigh. His lips warm and wet and his tongue was flat against my inner thigh near my panty line. I tried to hold in the groans bubbling in the back of my throat. Sneaky, sneaky, groans that threatened to make me lose this war of silence. I needed to stay as silent as possible. But could I?

He hooked my legs over his shoulders. I'm a goner! I ran my hand through his thick brown hair, pulling it to show my approval. Since ya know---I had been dared not to make a sound! God, this would be so hard. Bite your tongue! Don't even whimper. Easier said than done.

The moment Dex's magical tongue flicked over my throbbing clit, I lost it. I moaned so loud, directly into the microphone. I knew every single listener heard my desperation, but I didn't care now. The shivers going through my body as the electrical currents flooded through my veins, couldn't be stopped. They only got more intense, as I clamped down on my tongue so hard I drew tiny amounts of blood. Didn't care, didn't care!! He had to keep going. Even if this lead to getting my station privileges revoked.

Fuck it!

I knew I'd be in serious shit with my professor and not even my professor. This whole show was Jade's creation, her baby. I was an awful friend, so bad. So naughty. She'd kill me. But fuck it! I'd suffer her wrath later! This was too hot to not continue.

“Oh God,” I moaned again, slamming my palm onto the soundboard.

“Fuck,” I hissed, as he sucked my lower lips into his mouth. Fucking my now very soaked pussy with his wide tongue. Plunging it in and out. In and out. Up and down. Deeper and deeper. His thumb beat against my clit so quick it felt like a vibrator buzzing against me. I couldn’t help but roll my hips against his mouth. Wanting more of him just like the night before. 

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I gotta go!” I moaned into the microphone and turned the show off early. I threw my headphones off of my head and gripped the handles of the chair hard, digging the tips of my nails into the plastic. His tongue continued plunging in and out of my pussy and then circled my clit in slow circles. Sucking and nipping and bringing me so, so close to the edge. I could have jumped and my orgasm would have come through in a violent, blinding tidal wave. White edged into my vision. So close..so close....

I groaned my disapproval as he pulled me down onto the floor with him. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He ran his lips over the flesh of my neck groaning as he bruised my flesh. His hard, clothed dick twitched against my wetness and I needed it. So bad. My skin crawled with desperation for him. I needed to scratch my itch.

“You lost,” he moaned, sucking my skin between his teeth. 

“And how are you going to punish me?” I moaned back.

His tongue flicked over my hard nipple and he sucked it into his mouth. Swirling his tongue in circles over it like he was licking ice cream off a cone. My breathy, needy moans filled the air mixed with the smell of my arousal. I ground myself against him like a greedy, sex-deprived girl. You just got some yesterday! He gripped hard onto my ass and then spanked it once. Hard. A crisp yelp fell from my throat at the sudden sting of my skin. But the pain of it all made me drip my wetness onto his jeans.

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