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Dex’s POV

I put an arm over my eyes and hiss. The bright, bastardly sun shines in like a fucking annoying spotlight hellbent on penetrating my eyelids. Bastard. If I had a remote, I’d sever the power to the sun right now and turn the world dark just to not have it blaring in my fucking eyes. Why does it have to be so fucking bright, this early in the day? 


 I put a pillow over my eyes, reveling in the darkness as it takes over my vision. No more bastard sun. Only the scent of Callie’s strawberry scent pours into my nostrils and relaxes my entire body like a limp noodle. God, she smells so good. I wish I could bathe in her scent and---oh wait, I can. It’s her fucking shampoo. But fuck, then I’d smell like succulent strawberries for days and I’d never keep my boner away. I can barely control the bastard around her, anyway. Mind of his own and all. 

“It’s noon, ya know?” I groan at Callie’s muffled, sweet as pie voice breaking through the pillow on my head. She laughs at my groans like I didn’t get to bed until 4 am. Unlike some people who slept on the car ride over. I groan at her again and am greeted by the swift cold toe of awakening in my ribs. I yelp, throwing the pillow from my face and glared up at her gorgeous form. 

She smiles as sweetly as she can towards me, knowing she just poked the literal sleeping bear. Eyeing me over her steaming cup of coffee and wild hair. I blink a few times, letting my eyes focus in the bright sunlight bathing her tanned skin. Her hair stands on end even though it’s in a tight bun on top of her head. And she sports a long, thin white sweater that falls off one shoulder and lucky me, no pants! I wonder if my naughty girl wore panties today? 

“I’m bored, Normie,” she pouts her bottom lip out and I snort, rubbing my eyes again. Trying to work the stage five clinger sleep out of my tired as fuck eyeballs. 

“Bored, huh?” I tease in a groggy voice, propping myself up by my elbows. She smiles at me while sipping her coffee, and shrugs. 

“I thought this place was beautiful last night, but this morning? God, Dex, it’s gorgeous here. I was hoping we could explore? Or... I didn’t know what we had planned?” Her big brown eyes sear into mine with hope and longing. I can tell by the smile on her face, she’s desperate to move. And who am I to deny my Callie anything? 

“I made us lunch,” Callie laughs, as my eyebrows shoot into my hairline. Last I checked, Callie couldn’t even crack an egg, let alone make lunch. I peer at the tiny kitchenette and discover it’s still intact. No raging flames shoot out of the microwave or oven. 

“Oh, God. Don’t worry your pretty little head off, I made sandwiches. I didn’t burn the kitchen down, I promise.” My face must say it all and I shake my head at her exasperated tone. 

I crawl towards the edge of the bed and wrap my arms around Callie’s middle, desperate to hold her close. I rest my ear just above her heart, and sneakily on her boob, and sigh as it pounds in my ear. Bu-bump. Bu-bump. Over and over again like a tiny symphony made just for me. 

Who knew a heartbeat or a presence like hers could bring me such comfort and joy. It’s all I need to make it through my day. “Coffee and sandwiches sound delicious. And then we can go exploring.” I smile up at her, as her fingers massage my scalp. She hums in satisfaction, but I still don’t let her go. I squeeze my arms around her and drag my tongue against the exposed skin of her chest. Her nipples peek through the thin white sweater she’s wearing and I’m almost tempted to bite right through it and capture her clothed nipple in between my teeth.

“I could say screw the food and eat something else much sweeter….” I grin up at her, as my tongue traces over her collarbone. She groans as I suck the skin at the swell of her breast in between my teeth. Leaving little raised, red marks against her flesh, showing the universe she’s my girl. Although up here, I’d only have the crazy wolves and bears to prove it too. But still. My girl. 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now