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Bodhi’s POV. 

I repositioned myself on Callie’s lumpy as fuck couch for the millionth time. It didn't matter how comfortable I got, sleep wouldn’t come. I swear the springs in this bitch of a couch were biting my ass hard. When was this put into this fancy apartment anyhow? The 1990s?


If the couch wasn't bad enough, my brain wouldn't shut down. Eyes closed or eyes open staring at the ceiling, I couldn't do it. The events of the night before flashed menacing nightmares before my waking eyes. They played like a damn looping movie reel on crack, hellbent on making me suffer more than I already was. Every word. Every punch. Everything I felt and saw stayed behind my closed eyelids. I couldn’t shake it, no matter how hard I tried to think of other things. It always came back to the nightmare of last night. Always.

I wanted to scrub my damn mind clean from the pain of it all and make it go away. But they sure as hell didn’t make mind cleansing suds to rid me of this aching betrayal left in its wake. I couldn’t stop seeing it. His fist. My sister’s poor fucking face. All the blood that motherfucker left behind on her cheeks and chin. I wanted to kill him all over again. I wanted to tear into his flesh and make him suffer more than he was in jail. My vision turned red in desperation for more revenge. My sister deserved venegence against him and I wanted to deliver it with more punches and kicks. I wanted more blood on my knuckles. He had better be glad he was behind bars or I’d gladly do it all over again.

I couldn’t stop seeing the flashes of pain in her eyes. But most of all, I couldn’t stop seeing all the asshole things I had done over the years. Jesus, why didn’t I notice? Why didn’t I see that fucker for what he was? A fucking predator in sheep's clothing, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike my sister down. Fuck! And I led him straight to the fucking slaughter repeatedly. I brought him to our house. I gave him the booze. I did everything. I wished I had never met that menacing asshole. I should have seen it in the way he eye fucked her every time she was around us in high school, and even now. Every time she came to the frat house, his eyes followed her like a hawk. I didn't know what I thought, but now it all makes sense. Perfect fucking sense.

I moved my arm over my eyes, trying to block out the morning’s sun. Nine fucking thirty in the morning and I hadn’t slept a wink. Everything replayed on an endless, shitty loop. A loop I felt desperate to forget, but it also served as a wake up call to me.


The night before


I smirked victoriously, holding Jade close. I finally had her in my grasp again, and I didn’t want to let her go. I loved the feeling of her warm, shapely body snuggled against mine. Swaying against me as she belted out her tune way out of key and slurred her words. She sounded like an angel to me. Fuck me. I should’ve stopped drinking hours ago, because I was about to make a fool of myself again. I knew I couldn’t have her. Not again. Not after our history together, there was no way she’d forgive me for what I did. It may have been in high school, but Jade was well---- jaded and unforgiving. And me? I was the asshole who couldn't stay faithful. At least she agreed to hang with me tonight while my sister sorted out her weird as fuck love life. Whatever her deal was, Dex was cool. He seemed to make her happy or at least that's what I thought. My sister felt so closed off I didn't ever know what was going through her brain. I swear we were twins, but you'd never know by how opposite we were. I always had a sneaking suspicion she held a lot in. But me being, well a shitty brother, I couldn't get it out of her.

I took a swig of my beer and leaned into Jade more, clinging onto her like a life raft. I smiled as I swayed with her. She held the microphone so I could sing too. My low voice came out about as good as hers. Out of tune, but desperate to push through the high cords. A warm hand landed on my shoulder, frantically tapping me. I frowned, pulling away from Jade as her voice carried through the speakers again. 

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