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“Just breathe, Dex. I swear…” I tried to sound soothing to him, but by the miserable look on his twisted face, I knew I failed. Miserably. But with what we were about to do, I understood why his blood pressure soared through the roof. My boyfriend had officially cracked under pressure and I didn’t know if I could repair him in five minutes.

“Just breathe?? Just BREATHE?!?” He huffed again, for like the millionth time today. His hands covered his eyes like a frightened child trying to hide from the world. “For fuck’s sake….” He grunted, wiping his hands down his face again, taking the built-up nervous sweat with it.

“It won’t be so bad, I promise! He’s….” I reduced myself to begging now. I begged a month ago, and I still begged him to this day to just do this one thing for me. For him. For our future. More than once I talked him off this huge emotional cliff he'd pur himself on. If I didn't bring him back, he’d plunge headfirst into his worries.

“A scary, big writer who will plot my death scene by scene!” He hissed again. All the color drained from his face now, making him ghost-like. A loud groan escaped his throat again. “God, he will rip me limb from and toss me away!” Now he’s just being a dramatic drama queen. My father would never murder someone physically. Now in his writing? Maybe.

“I was going to say a giant teddy bear who respects his daughter’s decisions,” I muttered bitterly, as Dex sighed beside me. His tense muscles deflated with the sigh and he slammed the back of his head against the car seat.

“Gahh. I’m sorry. I’m just so nervous. One look and he will know I dick you down on a regular basis and then he’s going to want to murder me where I sit!” He said more calmly than before, but a flaring panic sparked in his dark eyes. I almost wished I could press fast forward to get this dinner done and over with. 

“I’m pretty sure your mom isn’t going to let that happen, especially since this is the first time we are all getting together. Deep breaths, Dex.” I put a hand on his shoulder and he sagged with a slight amount of relief at the thought of his mom.

“Everything you’re saying makes sense, but I’m still a mess. I’ve seen him on campus that one time and holy fuck….. he’s huge. He’s intimidating! And I’m about to meet him as your boyfriend. He’s going to hate me. He’s going to stab me with a steak knife before I take my first bite of appetizer... he’s going to…” Like a ninja sneaking swiftly into a room, I lock my lips over his stealing his anxiety-ridden words away. I shifted from the passenger’s seat of his car and straddle his lap in less than a second. The steering wheel dug into my ass, but I couldn't care less right now. Anything to get my boyfriend to stop freaking out about meeting my parents for Christmas dinner.

I pulled back from the kiss, breathless. My fingers trailing up and down his jawline, soothing the worry from his tightened muscles. “Everything will be ok, I promise. My dad won’t say shit to you, I’ll make sure. Besides, Bodhi will be here too and I think he enjoys your company.” I smile against his lips and continue to stare at his closed eyelids. He huffs against me, refusing to open his eyes in the most stubborn way possible. Such a man.

“I know, I know.” He mumbles, sliding his hand up and down my back, soothing away my nervous tension. I had something I had to do here too.

Our chests brushed against each other’s, as we breathe in the cramped driver’s seat. His heartbeat pounds against his ribs, clueing me in on how scared and anxious he really is. I didn’t blame him. Not one bit. My father could run off the best man with a simple look and has before. I only had a few boyfriends in high school before men avoided me like the plague. He scared every single one of them off. Which is ok. They all turned out to be horrible people in the end. But not today. Not with Christmas dinner. And definitely not with Dex’s mom joining us. My father promised his best behavior, and he knows how much Dex means to me now. Besides, my father is still very proud of how Bodhi, and Dex protected me against Zane's attack.

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now