Chapter One

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We could hear yelling coming from next door as we ate dinner. It wasn't abnormal. There was always yelling coming from the neighbor's house.

My dad rolled his eyes and huffed, scraping his fork against his plate, "They're at it again. That son of his."

"Honey," my mom responded gently, "it's not his fault. He lives in a terrible home."

They were talking about John Knight's son, Matthew. He was in my grade in school. I knew he didn't have the best home life but with all the yelling we heard you'd think that's the only octave their voices worked on.

Matthew's dad was a druggie and a drunkard. His mom walked out on them when he was six. Or, so the stories goes. Matthew came to school sometimes with bruises. He never said what they were from but we all knew.

"Shaina," my mom said turning her attention to me, "how was school?"

"Can I be excused?" I asked avoiding the question. "I have a ton of homework."

My mom looked concerned but nodded, "Sure thing, Hon. Just leave your plate. I'll get it."

I smiled. "Thanks, mom."

When I got up to my room, I pulled my chemistry binder from my backpack and plugged in my earbuds.

I was focused on my homework when I heard a loud tap. I pulled out my earbuds and listened. Another tap. It was coming from my window. I turned around. A pair of sky blue eyes looked back at me. Matthew. He tapped again.

I got up and pulled open my window. "What are you doing here?" I asked timidly. Even though Matthew and I were neighbors, we certainly weren't friends.

"I need somewhere to stay and your house is the closest."

I noticed he was sporting a fresh bruise on his cheek bone.

"Don't you have a friend's house you could go to?" I asked curiously.

"That's the first place he'd look." he said simply but seriously. I bit my lip unsure. "Come on, Shaina. It's one night." he pressed. "Please."

I finally nodded and stepped away from the window so he could climb in. Matthew climbed through the window and looked around. I crawled back onto my bed and tried to work on chemistry. I felt the bed sink beside me as Matthew sat down.

"So, what are we working on?"

"Um, chemistry."

"Ooh my favorite." he said lighting up.

"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Before he could answer, my mom rapped on my door. "Shaina, honey? Who are you talking to?" she asked opening my door. "Oh, Matthew." she said surprised. He gave her a small wave. Her eyes went directly to the bruise on his cheek. "Can I, um, get you some ice? For your cheek?"

His hand fluttered to his cheek self-consciously. "Oh. No. I'm fine. Thank you though."

"Alright." She said gently. "Um, Shaina, can I talk to you in the hall for a minute?"

I clambered off my bed, "I'll be right back." I mumbled to him closing my door behind me.

"How did he get in there?" My mom hissed.

"He climbed through my window." I responded quietly.

"Why is he here?"

"He was fighting with his dad... You saw the bruise on his cheek. He just needs somewhere safe to stay for the night."

Her face softened. She nodded. "Alright. No funny business, okay? I trust you, but still. Make smart choices."

"Thanks, Mom."

The Boy at My WindowWhere stories live. Discover now